Dataset: ESA Aerosol Climate Change Initiative (Aerosol_cci): Level 3 aerosol products from GOMOS (AERGOM algorithm), Version 3.00#

Dataset identifier: esacci.AEROSOL.5-days.L3C.AEX.GOMOS.Envisat.AERGOM.3-00.r1
Data store: cciodp

How to open this dataset in AVL JupyterLab  

cciodp_store = new_data_store('cciodp')
ds = cciodp_store.open_data('esacci.AEROSOL.5-days.L3C.AEX.GOMOS.Envisat.AERGOM.3-00.r1')

Bounding box map#

Bounding box map
Map tiles and data from OpenStreetMap, under the ODbL.

Basic information#

Parameter Value
Bounding box longitude (°) -180.0 to 180.0
Bounding box latitude (°) -90.0 to 90.0
Time range 2002-04-01 to 2012-05-03
Time period 5D

Click here for full dataset metadata.

Variable list#

Click on a variable name to jump to the variable’s full metadata.

Variable Long name Units
altitude_psd altitude_psd km
S_AOD355 stratospheric aerosol optical depth at 355 nm (mean of the [Q25-Q75] distribution) 1
S_AOD355_uncertainty stratospheric aerosol optical depth (355 nm) associated error 1
S_AOD355_Ndata Number of observations used to calculate the mean stratospheric aerosol optical depth (355 nm) 1
AEX355 stratospheric aerosol extinction at 355 nm (mean of the [Q25-Q75] distribution) km-1
AEX355_uncertainty stratospheric aerosol extinction (355 nm) associated error km-1
AEX355_Ndata Number of observations used to calculate the mean stratospheric aerosol extinction (355 nm) 1
S_AOD440 stratospheric aerosol optical depth at 440 nm (mean of the [Q25-Q75] distribution) 1
S_AOD440_uncertainty stratospheric aerosol optical depth (440 nm) associated error 1
S_AOD440_Ndata Number of observations used to calculate the mean stratospheric aerosol optical depth (440 nm) 1
AEX440 stratospheric aerosol extinction at 440 nm (mean of the [Q25-Q75] distribution) km-1
AEX440_uncertainty stratospheric aerosol extinction (440 nm) associated error km-1
AEX440_Ndata Number of observations used to calculate the mean stratospheric aerosol extinction (440 nm) 1
S_AOD470 stratospheric aerosol optical depth at 470 nm (mean of the [Q25-Q75] distribution) 1
S_AOD470_uncertainty stratospheric aerosol optical depth (470 nm) associated error 1
S_AOD470_Ndata Number of observations used to calculate the mean stratospheric aerosol optical depth (470 nm) 1
AEX470 stratospheric aerosol extinction at 470 nm (mean of the [Q25-Q75] distribution) km-1
AEX470_uncertainty stratospheric aerosol extinction (470 nm) associated error km-1
AEX470_Ndata Number of observations used to calculate the mean stratospheric aerosol extinction (470 nm) 1
S_AOD550 stratospheric aerosol optical depth at 550 nm (mean of the [Q25-Q75] distribution) 1
S_AOD550_uncertainty stratospheric aerosol optical depth (550 nm) associated error 1
S_AOD550_Ndata Number of observations used to calculate the mean stratospheric aerosol optical depth (550 nm) 1
AEX550 stratospheric aerosol extinction at 550 nm (mean of the [Q25-Q75] distribution) km-1
AEX550_uncertainty stratospheric aerosol extinction (550 nm) associated error km-1
AEX550_Ndata Number of observations used to calculate the mean stratospheric aerosol extinction (550 nm) 1
S_AOD750 stratospheric aerosol optical depth at 750 nm (mean of the [Q25-Q75] distribution) 1
S_AOD750_uncertainty stratospheric aerosol optical depth (750 nm) associated error 1
S_AOD750_Ndata Number of observations used to calculate the mean stratospheric aerosol optical depth (750 nm) 1
AEX750 stratospheric aerosol extinction at 750 nm (mean of the [Q25-Q75] distribution) km-1
AEX750_uncertainty stratospheric aerosol extinction (750 nm) associated error km-1
AEX750_Ndata Number of observations used to calculate the mean stratospheric aerosol extinction (750 nm) 1
Tropopause_height median tropopause height used for the integration in the stratosphere km
ANG430-560-AOD Angstrom exponent (AOD) of stratospheric aerosols for lambda=[430-560] nm 1
ANG430-560-AOD_uncertainty Angstrom exponent (AOD) of stratospheric aerosols for lambda=[430-560] nm associated error 1
ANG430-560-AEX Angstrom exponent (EXT) of stratospheric aerosols for lambda=[430-560] nm 1
ANG430-560-AEX_uncertainty Angstrom exponent (EXT) of stratospheric aerosols for lambda=[430-560] nm associated error 1
AEX_SULF355 stratospheric sulfate aerosol extinction at 355 nm (mean of the [Q25-Q75] distribution) km-1
AEX_SULF355_uncertainty stratospheric sulfate aerosol extinction (355 nm) associated error km-1
AEX_SULF355_Ndata Number of observations used to calculate the mean stratospheric sulfate aerosol extinction (355 nm) 1
ASYM_SULF355 Asymmetry parameter of stratospheric sulfate aerosol at 355 nm none
ASYM_SULF355_uncertainty Asymmetry parameter of stratospheric sulfate aerosol associated error at 355 nm none
SSA_SULF355 Single scattering albedo of stratospheric sulfate aerosol at 355 nm none
SSA_SULF355_uncertainty Single scattering albedo of stratospheric sulfate aerosol associated error at 355 nm none
AEX_SULF550 stratospheric sulfate aerosol extinction at 550 nm (mean of the [Q25-Q75] distribution) km-1
AEX_SULF550_uncertainty stratospheric sulfate aerosol extinction (550 nm) associated error km-1
AEX_SULF550_Ndata Number of observations used to calculate the mean stratospheric sulfate aerosol extinction (550 nm) 1
ASYM_SULF550 Asymmetry parameter of stratospheric sulfate aerosol at 550 nm none
ASYM_SULF550_uncertainty Asymmetry parameter of stratospheric sulfate aerosol associated error at 550 nm none
SSA_SULF550 Single scattering albedo of stratospheric sulfate aerosol at 550 nm none
SSA_SULF550_uncertainty Single scattering albedo of stratospheric sulfate aerosol associated error at 550 nm none
AEX_SULF750 stratospheric sulfate aerosol extinction at 750 nm (mean of the [Q25-Q75] distribution) km-1
AEX_SULF750_uncertainty stratospheric sulfate aerosol extinction (750 nm) associated error km-1
AEX_SULF750_Ndata Number of observations used to calculate the mean stratospheric sulfate aerosol extinction (750 nm) 1
ASYM_SULF750 Asymmetry parameter of stratospheric sulfate aerosol at 750 nm none
ASYM_SULF750_uncertainty Asymmetry parameter of stratospheric sulfate aerosol associated error at 750 nm none
SSA_SULF750 Single scattering albedo of stratospheric sulfate aerosol at 750 nm none
SSA_SULF750_uncertainty Single scattering albedo of stratospheric sulfate aerosol associated error at 750 nm none
NTOT_SULF Total particle number density of stratospheric sulfate aerosol cm^-3
NTOT_SULF_uncertainty Uncertainty on total particle number density of stratospheric sulfate aerosol cm^-3
SAD_SULF Surface Area Density of stratospheric sulfate aerosol um^2 cm^-3
SAD_SULF_uncertainty Uncertainty on Surface Area Density of stratospheric sulfate aerosol um^2 cm^-3
VD_SULF Volume Density of stratospheric sulfate aerosol um^3 cm^-3
VD_SULF_uncertainty Uncertainty on Volume Density of stratospheric sulfate aerosol um^3 cm^-3
AEFF_SULF Effective radius of stratospheric sulfate aerosol particle size distribution um
AEFF_SULF_uncertainty Effective radius of stratospheric sulfate aerosol particle size distribution associated error um
AEX_PSC355 psc aerosol extinction at 355 nm (mean of the [Q25-Q75] distribution) km-1
AEX_PSC355_uncertainty psc aerosol extinction (355 nm) associated error km-1
AEX_PSC355_Ndata Number of observations used to calculate the mean psc aerosol extinction (355 nm) 1
ASYM_PSC355 Asymmetry parameter of psc at 355 nm none
ASYM_PSC355_uncertainty Asymmetry parameter of psc associated error at 355 nm none
SSA_PSC355 Single scattering albedo of stratospheric sulfate aerosol at 355 nm none
SSA_PSC355_uncertainty Single scattering albedo of psc associated error at 355 nm none
AEX_PSC550 psc aerosol extinction at 550 nm (mean of the [Q25-Q75] distribution) km-1
AEX_PSC550_uncertainty psc aerosol extinction (550 nm) associated error km-1
AEX_PSC550_Ndata Number of observations used to calculate the mean psc aerosol extinction (550 nm) 1
ASYM_PSC550 Asymmetry parameter of psc at 550 nm none
ASYM_PSC550_uncertainty Asymmetry parameter of psc associated error at 550 nm none
SSA_PSC550 Single scattering albedo of stratospheric sulfate aerosol at 550 nm none
SSA_PSC550_uncertainty Single scattering albedo of psc associated error at 550 nm none
AEX_PSC750 psc aerosol extinction at 750 nm (mean of the [Q25-Q75] distribution) km-1
AEX_PSC750_uncertainty psc aerosol extinction (750 nm) associated error km-1
AEX_PSC750_Ndata Number of observations used to calculate the mean psc aerosol extinction (750 nm) 1
ASYM_PSC750 Asymmetry parameter of psc at 750 nm none
ASYM_PSC750_uncertainty Asymmetry parameter of psc associated error at 750 nm none
SSA_PSC750 Single scattering albedo of stratospheric sulfate aerosol at 750 nm none
SSA_PSC750_uncertainty Single scattering albedo of psc associated error at 750 nm none
NTOT_PSC Total particle number density of psc cm^-3
NTOT_PSC_uncertainty Uncertainty on total particle number density of psc cm^-3
SAD_PSC Surface Area Density of psc um^2 cm^-3
SAD_PSC_uncertainty Uncertainty on Surface Area Density of psc um^2 cm^-3
VD_PSC Volume Density of psc um^3 cm^-3
VD_PSC_uncertainty Uncertainty on Volume Density of psc um^3 cm^-3
AEFF_PSC Effective radius of psc particle size distribution um
AEFF_PSC_uncertainty Effective radius of psc particle size distribution associated error um

Full variable metadata#


Field Value
units km
long_name altitude_psd
standard_name altitude
valid_range 0.0, 100.0
coordinates alt
orig_data_type float64
fill_value None
size 28
shape 28
chunk_sizes 28
file_chunk_sizes 28
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29


Field Value
units 1
long_name stratospheric aerosol optical depth at 355 nm (mean of the [Q25-Q75] distribution)
standard_name atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 10.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 216
shape 36, 6
chunk_sizes 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions latitude, longitude
file_dimensions latitude, longitude


Field Value
units 1
long_name stratospheric aerosol optical depth (355 nm) associated error
standard_name atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol standard_error
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 10.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 216
shape 36, 6
chunk_sizes 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions latitude, longitude
file_dimensions latitude, longitude


Field Value
units 1
long_name Number of observations used to calculate the mean stratospheric aerosol optical depth (355 nm)
standard_name atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol number_of_observations
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1000000000.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 216
shape 36, 6
chunk_sizes 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions latitude, longitude
file_dimensions latitude, longitude


Field Value
units km-1
long_name stratospheric aerosol extinction at 355 nm (mean of the [Q25-Q75] distribution)
standard_name volume_extinction_coefficient_in_air_due_to_ambient_aerosol
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 9288
shape 43, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units km-1
long_name stratospheric aerosol extinction (355 nm) associated error
standard_name volume_extinction_coefficient_in_air_due_to_ambient_aerosol standard_error
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 9288
shape 43, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units 1
long_name Number of observations used to calculate the mean stratospheric aerosol extinction (355 nm)
standard_name volume_extinction_coefficient_in_air_due_to_ambient_aerosol number_of_observations
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1000000000.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 9288
shape 43, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units 1
long_name stratospheric aerosol optical depth at 440 nm (mean of the [Q25-Q75] distribution)
standard_name atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 10.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 216
shape 36, 6
chunk_sizes 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions latitude, longitude
file_dimensions latitude, longitude


Field Value
units 1
long_name stratospheric aerosol optical depth (440 nm) associated error
standard_name atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol standard_error
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 10.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 216
shape 36, 6
chunk_sizes 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions latitude, longitude
file_dimensions latitude, longitude


Field Value
units 1
long_name Number of observations used to calculate the mean stratospheric aerosol optical depth (440 nm)
standard_name atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol number_of_observations
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1000000000.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 216
shape 36, 6
chunk_sizes 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions latitude, longitude
file_dimensions latitude, longitude


Field Value
units km-1
long_name stratospheric aerosol extinction at 440 nm (mean of the [Q25-Q75] distribution)
standard_name volume_extinction_coefficient_in_air_due_to_ambient_aerosol
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 9288
shape 43, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units km-1
long_name stratospheric aerosol extinction (440 nm) associated error
standard_name volume_extinction_coefficient_in_air_due_to_ambient_aerosol standard_error
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 9288
shape 43, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units 1
long_name Number of observations used to calculate the mean stratospheric aerosol extinction (440 nm)
standard_name volume_extinction_coefficient_in_air_due_to_ambient_aerosol number_of_observations
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1000000000.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 9288
shape 43, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units 1
long_name stratospheric aerosol optical depth at 470 nm (mean of the [Q25-Q75] distribution)
standard_name atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 10.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 216
shape 36, 6
chunk_sizes 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions latitude, longitude
file_dimensions latitude, longitude


Field Value
units 1
long_name stratospheric aerosol optical depth (470 nm) associated error
standard_name atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol standard_error
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 10.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 216
shape 36, 6
chunk_sizes 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions latitude, longitude
file_dimensions latitude, longitude


Field Value
units 1
long_name Number of observations used to calculate the mean stratospheric aerosol optical depth (470 nm)
standard_name atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol number_of_observations
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1000000000.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 216
shape 36, 6
chunk_sizes 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions latitude, longitude
file_dimensions latitude, longitude


Field Value
units km-1
long_name stratospheric aerosol extinction at 470 nm (mean of the [Q25-Q75] distribution)
standard_name volume_extinction_coefficient_in_air_due_to_ambient_aerosol
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 9288
shape 43, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units km-1
long_name stratospheric aerosol extinction (470 nm) associated error
standard_name volume_extinction_coefficient_in_air_due_to_ambient_aerosol standard_error
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 9288
shape 43, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units 1
long_name Number of observations used to calculate the mean stratospheric aerosol extinction (470 nm)
standard_name volume_extinction_coefficient_in_air_due_to_ambient_aerosol number_of_observations
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1000000000.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 9288
shape 43, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units 1
long_name stratospheric aerosol optical depth at 550 nm (mean of the [Q25-Q75] distribution)
standard_name atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 10.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 216
shape 36, 6
chunk_sizes 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions latitude, longitude
file_dimensions latitude, longitude


Field Value
units 1
long_name stratospheric aerosol optical depth (550 nm) associated error
standard_name atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol standard_error
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 10.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 216
shape 36, 6
chunk_sizes 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions latitude, longitude
file_dimensions latitude, longitude


Field Value
units 1
long_name Number of observations used to calculate the mean stratospheric aerosol optical depth (550 nm)
standard_name atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol number_of_observations
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1000000000.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 216
shape 36, 6
chunk_sizes 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions latitude, longitude
file_dimensions latitude, longitude


Field Value
units km-1
long_name stratospheric aerosol extinction at 550 nm (mean of the [Q25-Q75] distribution)
standard_name volume_extinction_coefficient_in_air_due_to_ambient_aerosol
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 9288
shape 43, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units km-1
long_name stratospheric aerosol extinction (550 nm) associated error
standard_name volume_extinction_coefficient_in_air_due_to_ambient_aerosol standard_error
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 9288
shape 43, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units 1
long_name Number of observations used to calculate the mean stratospheric aerosol extinction (550 nm)
standard_name volume_extinction_coefficient_in_air_due_to_ambient_aerosol number_of_observations
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1000000000.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 9288
shape 43, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units 1
long_name stratospheric aerosol optical depth at 750 nm (mean of the [Q25-Q75] distribution)
standard_name atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 10.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 216
shape 36, 6
chunk_sizes 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions latitude, longitude
file_dimensions latitude, longitude


Field Value
units 1
long_name stratospheric aerosol optical depth (750 nm) associated error
standard_name atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol standard_error
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 10.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 216
shape 36, 6
chunk_sizes 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions latitude, longitude
file_dimensions latitude, longitude


Field Value
units 1
long_name Number of observations used to calculate the mean stratospheric aerosol optical depth (750 nm)
standard_name atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol number_of_observations
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1000000000.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 216
shape 36, 6
chunk_sizes 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions latitude, longitude
file_dimensions latitude, longitude


Field Value
units km-1
long_name stratospheric aerosol extinction at 750 nm (mean of the [Q25-Q75] distribution)
standard_name volume_extinction_coefficient_in_air_due_to_ambient_aerosol
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 9288
shape 43, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units km-1
long_name stratospheric aerosol extinction (750 nm) associated error
standard_name volume_extinction_coefficient_in_air_due_to_ambient_aerosol standard_error
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 9288
shape 43, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units 1
long_name Number of observations used to calculate the mean stratospheric aerosol extinction (750 nm)
standard_name volume_extinction_coefficient_in_air_due_to_ambient_aerosol number_of_observations
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1000000000.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 9288
shape 43, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units km
long_name median tropopause height used for the integration in the stratosphere
standard_name tropopause_altitude
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 25.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 216
shape 36, 6
chunk_sizes 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions latitude, longitude
file_dimensions latitude, longitude


Field Value
units 1
long_name Angstrom exponent (AOD) of stratospheric aerosols for lambda=[430-560] nm
standard_name angstrom_exponent_of_ambient_aerosol_in_air
missing_value -999.0
valid_range -20.0, 50.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 216
shape 36, 6
chunk_sizes 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions latitude, longitude
file_dimensions latitude, longitude


Field Value
units 1
long_name Angstrom exponent (AOD) of stratospheric aerosols for lambda=[430-560] nm associated error
standard_name angstrom_exponent_of_ambient_aerosol_in_air standard_error
missing_value -999.0
valid_range -100.0, 100.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 216
shape 36, 6
chunk_sizes 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions latitude, longitude
file_dimensions latitude, longitude


Field Value
units 1
long_name Angstrom exponent (EXT) of stratospheric aerosols for lambda=[430-560] nm
standard_name angstrom_exponent_of_ambient_aerosol_in_air
missing_value -999.0
valid_range -20.0, 50.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 9288
shape 43, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units 1
long_name Angstrom exponent (EXT) of stratospheric aerosols for lambda=[430-560] nm associated error
standard_name angstrom_exponent_of_ambient_aerosol_in_air standard_error
missing_value -999.0
valid_range -100.0, 100.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 9288
shape 43, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units km-1
long_name stratospheric sulfate aerosol extinction at 355 nm (mean of the [Q25-Q75] distribution)
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 9288
shape 43, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units km-1
long_name stratospheric sulfate aerosol extinction (355 nm) associated error
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 9288
shape 43, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units 1
long_name Number of observations used to calculate the mean stratospheric sulfate aerosol extinction (355 nm)
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1000000000.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 9288
shape 43, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units none
long_name Asymmetry parameter of stratospheric sulfate aerosol at 355 nm
missing_value -999.0
valid_range -1.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units none
long_name Asymmetry parameter of stratospheric sulfate aerosol associated error at 355 nm
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units none
long_name Single scattering albedo of stratospheric sulfate aerosol at 355 nm
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units none
long_name Single scattering albedo of stratospheric sulfate aerosol associated error at 355 nm
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units km-1
long_name stratospheric sulfate aerosol extinction at 550 nm (mean of the [Q25-Q75] distribution)
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 9288
shape 43, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units km-1
long_name stratospheric sulfate aerosol extinction (550 nm) associated error
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 9288
shape 43, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units 1
long_name Number of observations used to calculate the mean stratospheric sulfate aerosol extinction (550 nm)
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1000000000.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 9288
shape 43, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units none
long_name Asymmetry parameter of stratospheric sulfate aerosol at 550 nm
missing_value -999.0
valid_range -1.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units none
long_name Asymmetry parameter of stratospheric sulfate aerosol associated error at 550 nm
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units none
long_name Single scattering albedo of stratospheric sulfate aerosol at 550 nm
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units none
long_name Single scattering albedo of stratospheric sulfate aerosol associated error at 550 nm
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units km-1
long_name stratospheric sulfate aerosol extinction at 750 nm (mean of the [Q25-Q75] distribution)
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 9288
shape 43, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units km-1
long_name stratospheric sulfate aerosol extinction (750 nm) associated error
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 9288
shape 43, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units 1
long_name Number of observations used to calculate the mean stratospheric sulfate aerosol extinction (750 nm)
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1000000000.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 9288
shape 43, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units none
long_name Asymmetry parameter of stratospheric sulfate aerosol at 750 nm
missing_value -999.0
valid_range -1.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units none
long_name Asymmetry parameter of stratospheric sulfate aerosol associated error at 750 nm
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units none
long_name Single scattering albedo of stratospheric sulfate aerosol at 750 nm
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units none
long_name Single scattering albedo of stratospheric sulfate aerosol associated error at 750 nm
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units cm^-3
long_name Total particle number density of stratospheric sulfate aerosol
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 10000000000.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units cm^-3
long_name Uncertainty on total particle number density of stratospheric sulfate aerosol
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 10000000000.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units um^2 cm^-3
long_name Surface Area Density of stratospheric sulfate aerosol
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1000000000.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units um^2 cm^-3
long_name Uncertainty on Surface Area Density of stratospheric sulfate aerosol
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1000000000.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units um^3 cm^-3
long_name Volume Density of stratospheric sulfate aerosol
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1000000000.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units um^3 cm^-3
long_name Uncertainty on Volume Density of stratospheric sulfate aerosol
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1000000000.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units um
long_name Effective radius of stratospheric sulfate aerosol particle size distribution
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 10.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units um
long_name Effective radius of stratospheric sulfate aerosol particle size distribution associated error
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 10.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units km-1
long_name psc aerosol extinction at 355 nm (mean of the [Q25-Q75] distribution)
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 9288
shape 43, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units km-1
long_name psc aerosol extinction (355 nm) associated error
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 9288
shape 43, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units 1
long_name Number of observations used to calculate the mean psc aerosol extinction (355 nm)
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1000000000.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 9288
shape 43, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units none
long_name Asymmetry parameter of psc at 355 nm
missing_value -999.0
valid_range -1.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units none
long_name Asymmetry parameter of psc associated error at 355 nm
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units none
long_name Single scattering albedo of stratospheric sulfate aerosol at 355 nm
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units none
long_name Single scattering albedo of psc associated error at 355 nm
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units km-1
long_name psc aerosol extinction at 550 nm (mean of the [Q25-Q75] distribution)
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 9288
shape 43, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units km-1
long_name psc aerosol extinction (550 nm) associated error
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 9288
shape 43, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units 1
long_name Number of observations used to calculate the mean psc aerosol extinction (550 nm)
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1000000000.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 9288
shape 43, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units none
long_name Asymmetry parameter of psc at 550 nm
missing_value -999.0
valid_range -1.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units none
long_name Asymmetry parameter of psc associated error at 550 nm
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units none
long_name Single scattering albedo of stratospheric sulfate aerosol at 550 nm
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units none
long_name Single scattering albedo of psc associated error at 550 nm
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units km-1
long_name psc aerosol extinction at 750 nm (mean of the [Q25-Q75] distribution)
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 9288
shape 43, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units km-1
long_name psc aerosol extinction (750 nm) associated error
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 9288
shape 43, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units 1
long_name Number of observations used to calculate the mean psc aerosol extinction (750 nm)
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1000000000.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 9288
shape 43, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 43, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units none
long_name Asymmetry parameter of psc at 750 nm
missing_value -999.0
valid_range -1.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units none
long_name Asymmetry parameter of psc associated error at 750 nm
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units none
long_name Single scattering albedo of stratospheric sulfate aerosol at 750 nm
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units none
long_name Single scattering albedo of psc associated error at 750 nm
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units cm^-3
long_name Total particle number density of psc
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 10000000000.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units cm^-3
long_name Uncertainty on total particle number density of psc
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 10000000000.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units um^2 cm^-3
long_name Surface Area Density of psc
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1000000000.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units um^2 cm^-3
long_name Uncertainty on Surface Area Density of psc
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1000000000.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units um^3 cm^-3
long_name Volume Density of psc
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1000000000.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units um^3 cm^-3
long_name Uncertainty on Volume Density of psc
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 1000000000.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units um
long_name Effective radius of psc particle size distribution
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 10.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude


Field Value
units um
long_name Effective radius of psc particle size distribution associated error
missing_value -999.0
valid_range 0.0, 10.0
orig_data_type float64
fill_value -999.0
size 6048
shape 28, 36, 6
chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
file_chunk_sizes 28, 36, 6
data_type float64
dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude
file_dimensions altitude_%28particle_size_related_information%29, latitude, longitude

Full dataset metadata#

Field Value
title ESA Aerosol Climate Change Initiative (Aerosol_cci): Level 3 aerosol products from GOMOS (AERGOM algorithm), Version 3.00
source Aerosol CCI
history Based on GOMOS product v6.01
references ATBD can be found here:
product_version 3-00
project Climate Change Initiative - European Space Agency
institute Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy
processing_level L3C
product_string AERGOM
data_type AEX
sensor_id GOMOS
platform_id Envisat
abstract The ESA Climate Change Initiative Aerosol project has produced a number of global aerosol Essential Climate Variable (ECV) products from a set of European satellite instruments with different characteristics. This dataset comprises Level 3 gridded stratospheric aerosol properties from the GOMOS instrument on the ENVISAT satellite. This version of the data is version 3.00, and has been derived using the AERGOM algorithm by BIRA (Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy). For further details about these data products please see the linked documentation.
publication_date 2020-08-27T16:03:31
uuid 7fb8fd2761484b1eae4f7df4a3e65f75
cci_project AEROSOL