Dataset: ESA Aerosol Climate Change Initiative (Aerosol_cci): Level 3 aerosol products from AATSR (ORAC algorithm), Version 4.01#
Dataset identifier:
Data store: cciodp
How to open this dataset in AVL JupyterLab
cciodp_store = new_data_store('cciodp')
ds = cciodp_store.open_data('')
Bounding box map#
cciodp_store = new_data_store('cciodp')
ds = cciodp_store.open_data('')
Map tiles and data from OpenStreetMap, under the ODbL.
Basic information#
Parameter | Value |
Bounding box longitude (°) | -180.0 to 180.0 |
Bounding box latitude (°) | -90.0 to 90.0 |
Time range | 2002-05-20 to 2012-04-08 |
Time period | 1D |
Click here for full dataset metadata.
Variable list#
Click on a variable name to jump to the variable’s full metadata.
Variable | Long name | Units |
pixel_corner_latitude1 | latitude_grid_cell_lower_boundary | degrees_north |
pixel_corner_latitude2 | latitude_grid_cell_upper_boundary | degrees_north |
pixel_corner_longitude1 | longitude_grid_cell_lower_boundary | degrees_east |
lon_boundary_upper | longitude_grid_cell_upper_boundary | degrees_east |
pixel_count | number of retrieval pixels in grid cell | 1 |
aerosol_type_count | number of retrievals for each aerosol type | 1 |
interquartile_count | number of interquartile values | 1 |
AOD550_mean | mean aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm | 1 |
AOD550_median | median aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm | 1 |
AOD550_sdev | standard deviation of aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm | 1 |
AOD550_lowerquartile | lower quartile aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm | 1 |
AOD550_upperquartile | upper quartile aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm | 1 |
AOD550_interquartile_mean | inter-quartile mean aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm | 1 |
REFF_mean | mean aerosol effective radius | micron |
REFF_median | median aerosol effective radius | micron |
REFF_sdev | standard deviation of aerosol effective radius | micron |
REFF_lowerquartile | lower quartile aerosol effective radius | micron |
REFF_upperquartile | upper quartile aerosol effective radius | micron |
REFF_interquartile_mean | inter-quartile mean aerosol effective radius | micron |
AOD870_mean | mean aerosol optical thickness at 870 nm | 1 |
AOD870_median | median aerosol optical thickness at 870 nm | 1 |
AOD870_sdev | standard deviation of aerosol optical thickness at 870 nm | 1 |
AOD870_lowerquartile | lower quartile aerosol optical thickness at 870 nm | 1 |
AOD870_upperquartile | upper quartile aerosol optical thickness at 870 nm | 1 |
AOD870_interquartile_mean | inter-quartile mean aerosol optical thickness at 870 nm | 1 |
AOD670_mean | mean aerosol optical thickness at 670 nm | 1 |
AOD670_median | median aerosol optical thickness at 670 nm | 1 |
AOD670_sdev | standard deviation of aerosol optical thickness at 670 nm | 1 |
AOD670_lowerquartile | lower quartile aerosol optical thickness at 670 nm | 1 |
AOD670_upperquartile | upper quartile aerosol optical thickness at 670 nm | 1 |
AOD670_interquartile_mean | inter-quartile mean aerosol optical thickness at 670 nm | 1 |
AOD1600_mean | mean aerosol optical thickness at 1600 nm | 1 |
AOD1600_median | median aerosol optical thickness at 1600 nm | 1 |
AOD1600_sdev | standard deviation of aerosol optical thickness at 1600 nm | 1 |
AOD1600_lowerquartile | lower quartile aerosol optical thickness at 1600 nm | 1 |
AOD1600_upperquartile | upper quartile aerosol optical thickness at 1600 nm | 1 |
AOD1600_interquartile_mean | inter-quartile mean aerosol optical thickness at 1600 nm | 1 |
ANG550_870_mean | mean aerosol Angstrom exponent between 550 and 870 nm | 1 |
ANG550_870_median | median aerosol Angstrom exponent between 550 and 870 nm | 1 |
ANG550_870_sdev | standard deviation of aerosol Angstrom exponent between 550 and 870 nm | 1 |
ANG550_870_lowerquartile | lower quartile aerosol Angstrom exponent between 550 and 870 nm | 1 |
ANG550_870_upperquartile | upper quartile aerosol Angstrom exponent between 550 and 870 nm | 1 |
ANG550_870_interquartile_mean | inter-quartile mean aerosol Angstrom exponent between 550 and 870 nm | 1 |
FM_AOD550_mean | mean fine-mode aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm | 1 |
FM_AOD550_median | median fine-mode aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm | 1 |
FM_AOD550_sdev | standard deviation of fine-mode aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm | 1 |
FM_AOD550_lowerquartile | lower quartile fine-mode aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm | 1 |
FM_AOD550_upperquartile | upper quartile fine-mode aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm | 1 |
FM_AOD550_interquartile_mean | inter-quartile mean fine-mode aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm | 1 |
D_AOD550_mean | mean dust aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm | 1 |
D_AOD550_median | median dust aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm | 1 |
D_AOD550_sdev | standard deviation of dust aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm | 1 |
D_AOD550_lowerquartile | lower quartile dust aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm | 1 |
D_AOD550_upperquartile | upper quartile dust aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm | 1 |
D_AOD550_interquartile_mean | inter-quartile mean dust aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm | 1 |
AAOD550_mean | mean aerosol absorption optical thickness at 550 nm | 1 |
AAOD550_median | median aerosol absorption optical thickness at 550 nm | 1 |
AAOD550_sdev | standard deviation of aerosol absorption optical thickness at 550 nm | 1 |
AAOD550_lowerquartile | lower quartile aerosol absorption optical thickness at 550 nm | 1 |
AAOD550_upperquartile | upper quartile aerosol absorption optical thickness at 550 nm | 1 |
AAOD550_interquartile_mean | inter-quartile mean aerosol absorption optical thickness at 550 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance550_mean | mean surface bihemispherical reflectance at 550 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance550_median | median surface bihemispherical reflectance at 550 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance550_sdev | standard deviation of surface bihemispherical reflectance at 550 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance550_lowerquartile | lower quartile surface bihemispherical reflectance at 550 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance550_upperquartile | upper quartile surface bihemispherical reflectance at 550 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance550_interquartile_mean | inter-quartile mean surface bihemispherical reflectance at 550 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance670_mean | mean surface bihemispherical reflectance at 670 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance670_median | median surface bihemispherical reflectance at 670 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance670_sdev | standard deviation of surface bihemispherical reflectance at 670 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance670_lowerquartile | lower quartile surface bihemispherical reflectance at 670 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance670_upperquartile | upper quartile surface bihemispherical reflectance at 670 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance670_interquartile_mean | inter-quartile mean surface bihemispherical reflectance at 670 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance870_mean | mean surface bihemispherical reflectance at 870 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance870_median | median surface bihemispherical reflectance at 870 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance870_sdev | standard deviation of surface bihemispherical reflectance at 870 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance870_lowerquartile | lower quartile surface bihemispherical reflectance at 870 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance870_upperquartile | upper quartile surface bihemispherical reflectance at 870 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance870_interquartile_mean | inter-quartile mean surface bihemispherical reflectance at 870 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance1600_mean | mean surface bihemispherical reflectance at 1600 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance1600_median | median surface bihemispherical reflectance at 1600 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance1600_sdev | standard deviation of surface bihemispherical reflectance at 1600 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance1600_lowerquartile | lower quartile surface bihemispherical reflectance at 1600 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance1600_upperquartile | upper quartile surface bihemispherical reflectance at 1600 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance1600_interquartile_mean | inter-quartile mean surface bihemispherical reflectance at 1600 nm | 1 |
AOD550_uncertainty_mean | mean uncertainty on AOT at 550 nm | 1 |
AOD550_uncertainty_median | median uncertainty on AOT at 550 nm | 1 |
AOD550_uncertainty_sdev | standard deviation of uncertainty on AOT at 550 nm | 1 |
AOD550_uncertainty_lowerquartile | lower quartile uncertainty on AOT at 550 nm | 1 |
AOD550_uncertainty_upperquartile | upper quartile uncertainty on AOT at 550 nm | 1 |
AOD550_uncertainty_interquartile_mean | inter-quartile mean uncertainty on AOT at 550 nm | 1 |
REFF_uncertainty_mean | mean uncertainty on aerosol effective radius | micron |
REFF_uncertainty_median | median uncertainty on aerosol effective radius | micron |
REFF_uncertainty_sdev | standard deviation of uncertainty on aerosol effective radius | micron |
REFF_uncertainty_lowerquartile | lower quartile uncertainty on aerosol effective radius | micron |
REFF_uncertainty_upperquartile | upper quartile uncertainty on aerosol effective radius | micron |
REFF_uncertainty_interquartile_mean | inter-quartile mean uncertainty on aerosol effective radius | micron |
AOD870_uncertainty_mean | mean uncertainty on AOT at 870 nm | 1 |
AOD870_uncertainty_median | median uncertainty on AOT at 870 nm | 1 |
AOD870_uncertainty_sdev | standard deviation of uncertainty on AOT at 870 nm | 1 |
AOD870_uncertainty_lowerquartile | lower quartile uncertainty on AOT at 870 nm | 1 |
AOD870_uncertainty_upperquartile | upper quartile uncertainty on AOT at 870 nm | 1 |
AOD870_uncertainty_interquartile_mean | inter-quartile mean uncertainty on AOT at 870 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance550_uncertainty_mean | mean Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 550 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance550_uncertainty_median | median Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 550 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance550_uncertainty_sdev | standard deviation of Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 550 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance550_uncertainty_lowerquartile | lower quartile Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 550 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance550_uncertainty_upperquartile | upper quartile Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 550 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance550_uncertainty_interquartile_mean | inter-quartile mean Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 550 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance670_uncertainty_mean | mean Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 670 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance670_uncertainty_median | median Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 670 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance670_uncertainty_sdev | standard deviation of Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 670 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance670_uncertainty_lowerquartile | lower quartile Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 670 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance670_uncertainty_upperquartile | upper quartile Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 670 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance670_uncertainty_interquartile_mean | inter-quartile mean Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 670 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance870_uncertainty_mean | mean Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 870 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance870_uncertainty_median | median Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 870 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance870_uncertainty_sdev | standard deviation of Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 870 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance870_uncertainty_lowerquartile | lower quartile Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 870 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance870_uncertainty_upperquartile | upper quartile Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 870 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance870_uncertainty_interquartile_mean | inter-quartile mean Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 870 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance1600_uncertainty_mean | mean Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 1600 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance1600_uncertainty_median | median Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 1600 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance1600_uncertainty_sdev | standard deviation of Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 1600 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance1600_uncertainty_lowerquartile | lower quartile Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 1600 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance1600_uncertainty_upperquartile | upper quartile Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 1600 nm | 1 |
surface_reflectance1600_uncertainty_interquartile_mean | inter-quartile mean Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 1600 nm | 1 |
sun_zenith_mean | mean Solar zenith angle | degrees |
satellite_zenith_mean | mean Satellite zenith angle | degrees |
relative_azimuth_mean | mean Relative Azimuth angle | degrees |
time_mean | mean TAI70 time | seconds |
cloud_fraction_mean | mean Cloud fraction | 1 |
surface_type_number_mean | mean Land / sea flag | 1 |
iterations_mean | mean Retrieval iterations | 1 |
fit_error_mean | mean Cost function at solution | 1 |
Full variable metadata#
Field | Value |
long_name | latitude_grid_cell_lower_boundary |
units | degrees_north |
valid_range | -180.0, 180.0 |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 180 |
shape | 180 |
chunk_sizes | 180 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude |
file_dimensions | latitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | latitude_grid_cell_upper_boundary |
units | degrees_north |
valid_range | -90.0, 90.0 |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 180 |
shape | 180 |
chunk_sizes | 180 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude |
file_dimensions | latitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | longitude_grid_cell_lower_boundary |
units | degrees_east |
valid_range | -180.0, 180.0 |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 360 |
shape | 360 |
chunk_sizes | 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | longitude |
file_dimensions | longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | longitude_grid_cell_upper_boundary |
units | degrees_east |
valid_range | -180.0, 180.0 |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 360 |
shape | 360 |
chunk_sizes | 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | longitude |
file_dimensions | longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | number of retrieval pixels in grid cell |
valid_range | 2, 200 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
units | 1 |
orig_data_type | int32 |
fill_value | 0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | int32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | number of retrievals for each aerosol type |
valid_range | 0, 200 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
units | 1 |
orig_data_type | int32 |
fill_value | -999 |
size | 648000 |
shape | 10, 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 10, 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 10, 180, 360 |
data_type | int32 |
dimensions | aerosol_type, latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | aerosol_type, latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | number of interquartile values |
valid_range | 1, 200 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
units | 1 |
orig_data_type | int32 |
fill_value | 0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | int32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | mean aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm |
standard_name | atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_aerosol |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | median aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm |
standard_name | atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_aerosol |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | standard deviation of aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
standard_name | atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_aerosol |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
long_name | lower quartile aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | upper quartile aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm |
standard_name | atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_aerosol |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | inter-quartile mean aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm |
standard_name | atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_aerosol |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | mean aerosol effective radius |
units | micron |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | median aerosol effective radius |
units | micron |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | standard deviation of aerosol effective radius |
units | micron |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | lower quartile aerosol effective radius |
units | micron |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | upper quartile aerosol effective radius |
units | micron |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | inter-quartile mean aerosol effective radius |
units | micron |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | mean aerosol optical thickness at 870 nm |
standard_name | atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_aerosol |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | median aerosol optical thickness at 870 nm |
standard_name | atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_aerosol |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | standard deviation of aerosol optical thickness at 870 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | lower quartile aerosol optical thickness at 870 nm |
standard_name | atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_aerosol |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
standard_name | atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_aerosol |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
long_name | upper quartile aerosol optical thickness at 870 nm |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | inter-quartile mean aerosol optical thickness at 870 nm |
standard_name | atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_aerosol |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | mean aerosol optical thickness at 670 nm |
standard_name | atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_aerosol |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | median aerosol optical thickness at 670 nm |
standard_name | atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_aerosol |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | standard deviation of aerosol optical thickness at 670 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | lower quartile aerosol optical thickness at 670 nm |
standard_name | atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_aerosol |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
standard_name | atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_aerosol |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
long_name | upper quartile aerosol optical thickness at 670 nm |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | inter-quartile mean aerosol optical thickness at 670 nm |
standard_name | atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_aerosol |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | mean aerosol optical thickness at 1600 nm |
standard_name | atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_aerosol |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | median aerosol optical thickness at 1600 nm |
standard_name | atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_aerosol |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | standard deviation of aerosol optical thickness at 1600 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | lower quartile aerosol optical thickness at 1600 nm |
standard_name | atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_aerosol |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | upper quartile aerosol optical thickness at 1600 nm |
standard_name | atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_aerosol |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | inter-quartile mean aerosol optical thickness at 1600 nm |
standard_name | atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_aerosol |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
standard_name | angstrom_exponent_of_ambient_aerosol_in_air |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 4.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
long_name | mean aerosol Angstrom exponent between 550 and 870 nm |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | median aerosol Angstrom exponent between 550 and 870 nm |
standard_name | angstrom_exponent_of_ambient_aerosol_in_air |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 4.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | standard deviation of aerosol Angstrom exponent between 550 and 870 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 4.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | lower quartile aerosol Angstrom exponent between 550 and 870 nm |
standard_name | angstrom_exponent_of_ambient_aerosol_in_air |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 4.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | upper quartile aerosol Angstrom exponent between 550 and 870 nm |
standard_name | angstrom_exponent_of_ambient_aerosol_in_air |
valid_range | 0.0, 4.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
units | 1 |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | inter-quartile mean aerosol Angstrom exponent between 550 and 870 nm |
standard_name | angstrom_exponent_of_ambient_aerosol_in_air |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 4.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | mean fine-mode aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | median fine-mode aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | standard deviation of fine-mode aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | lower quartile fine-mode aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | upper quartile fine-mode aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | inter-quartile mean fine-mode aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
long_name | mean dust aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | median dust aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | standard deviation of dust aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | lower quartile dust aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | upper quartile dust aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | inter-quartile mean dust aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | mean aerosol absorption optical thickness at 550 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | median aerosol absorption optical thickness at 550 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | standard deviation of aerosol absorption optical thickness at 550 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | lower quartile aerosol absorption optical thickness at 550 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | upper quartile aerosol absorption optical thickness at 550 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | inter-quartile mean aerosol absorption optical thickness at 550 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.01, 5.01187 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
long_name | mean surface bihemispherical reflectance at 550 nm |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | median surface bihemispherical reflectance at 550 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | standard deviation of surface bihemispherical reflectance at 550 nm |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
units | 1 |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | lower quartile surface bihemispherical reflectance at 550 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | upper quartile surface bihemispherical reflectance at 550 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | inter-quartile mean surface bihemispherical reflectance at 550 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | mean surface bihemispherical reflectance at 670 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | median surface bihemispherical reflectance at 670 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | standard deviation of surface bihemispherical reflectance at 670 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | lower quartile surface bihemispherical reflectance at 670 nm |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
units | 1 |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | upper quartile surface bihemispherical reflectance at 670 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | inter-quartile mean surface bihemispherical reflectance at 670 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | mean surface bihemispherical reflectance at 870 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | median surface bihemispherical reflectance at 870 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | standard deviation of surface bihemispherical reflectance at 870 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | lower quartile surface bihemispherical reflectance at 870 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | upper quartile surface bihemispherical reflectance at 870 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | inter-quartile mean surface bihemispherical reflectance at 870 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
units | 1 |
long_name | mean surface bihemispherical reflectance at 1600 nm |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | median surface bihemispherical reflectance at 1600 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | standard deviation of surface bihemispherical reflectance at 1600 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | lower quartile surface bihemispherical reflectance at 1600 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | upper quartile surface bihemispherical reflectance at 1600 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | inter-quartile mean surface bihemispherical reflectance at 1600 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | mean uncertainty on AOT at 550 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1000.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | median uncertainty on AOT at 550 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1000.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
valid_range | 0.0, 1000.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
units | 1 |
long_name | standard deviation of uncertainty on AOT at 550 nm |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | lower quartile uncertainty on AOT at 550 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1000.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
valid_range | 0.0, 1000.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
units | 1 |
long_name | upper quartile uncertainty on AOT at 550 nm |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | inter-quartile mean uncertainty on AOT at 550 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1000.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | mean uncertainty on aerosol effective radius |
units | micron |
valid_range | 0.0, 1000.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | median uncertainty on aerosol effective radius |
units | micron |
valid_range | 0.0, 1000.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | standard deviation of uncertainty on aerosol effective radius |
units | micron |
valid_range | 0.0, 1000.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | lower quartile uncertainty on aerosol effective radius |
units | micron |
valid_range | 0.0, 1000.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | upper quartile uncertainty on aerosol effective radius |
units | micron |
valid_range | 0.0, 1000.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | inter-quartile mean uncertainty on aerosol effective radius |
units | micron |
valid_range | 0.0, 1000.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1000.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
long_name | mean uncertainty on AOT at 870 nm |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | median uncertainty on AOT at 870 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1000.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | standard deviation of uncertainty on AOT at 870 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1000.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | lower quartile uncertainty on AOT at 870 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1000.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | upper quartile uncertainty on AOT at 870 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1000.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | inter-quartile mean uncertainty on AOT at 870 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1000.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | mean Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 550 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | median Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 550 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | standard deviation of Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 550 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | lower quartile Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 550 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | upper quartile Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 550 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | inter-quartile mean Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 550 nm |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
units | 1 |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | mean Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 670 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | median Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 670 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | standard deviation of Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 670 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | lower quartile Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 670 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | upper quartile Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 670 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | inter-quartile mean Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 670 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | mean Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 870 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | median Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 870 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | standard deviation of Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 870 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | lower quartile Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 870 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | upper quartile Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 870 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | inter-quartile mean Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 870 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | mean Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 1600 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | median Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 1600 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | standard deviation of Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 1600 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
long_name | lower quartile Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 1600 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | upper quartile Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 1600 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | inter-quartile mean Uncertainty on surface reflectance at 1600 nm |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | mean Solar zenith angle |
standard_name | solar_zenith_angle |
units | degrees |
valid_range | 0.0, 90.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 129600 |
shape | 2, 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 2, 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 2, 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | view, latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | view, latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | mean Satellite zenith angle |
standard_name | zenith_angle |
units | degrees |
valid_range | 0.0, 90.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 129600 |
shape | 2, 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 2, 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 2, 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | view, latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | view, latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | mean Relative Azimuth angle |
units | degrees |
valid_range | 0.0, 180.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 129600 |
shape | 2, 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 2, 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 2, 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | view, latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | view, latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | mean TAI70 time |
standard_name | time |
units | seconds |
valid_range | 1, 2147483647 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
info | Seconds since 1970/01/01 00:00:00 UTC |
orig_data_type | int32 |
fill_value | -999 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | int32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | mean Cloud fraction |
standard_name | cloud_area_fraction |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | mean Land / sea flag |
standard_name | land_area_fraction |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 1.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
valid_range | -1.0, 24.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
long_name | mean Retrieval iterations |
units | 1 |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Field | Value |
long_name | mean Cost function at solution |
units | 1 |
valid_range | 0.0, 100000.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -999.0 |
size | 64800 |
shape | 180, 360 |
chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
file_chunk_sizes | 180, 360 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | latitude, longitude |
file_dimensions | latitude, longitude |
Full dataset metadata#
Field | Value |
title | ESA Aerosol Climate Change Initiative (Aerosol_cci): Level 3 aerosol products from AATSR (ORAC algorithm), Version 4.01 |
product_version | 04-01- |
project | Climate Change Initiative - European Space Agency |
references | |
source | AATSR L1b ver. 6.05 |
history | 20161101T034247Z - Product generated at STFC RAL Space. AATSR L1b ver. 6.05 |
ecv | AEROSOL |
institute | Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
processing_level | L3C |
product_string | ORAC |
data_type | AER_PRODUCTS |
sensor_id | AATSR |
platform_id | Envisat |
abstract | The ESA Climate Change Initiative Aerosol project has produced a number of global aerosol Essential Climate Variable (ECV) products from a set of European satellite instruments with different characteristics. This dataset comprises Level 3 daily and monthly gridded aerosol products from the AATSR instrument on ENVISAT, derived using the ORAC algorithm, version 4.01. Both daily and monthly gridded products are available For further details about these data products please see the linked documentation. |
publication_date | 2020-08-27T16:09:46 |
uuid | da2b8512312a4f14a928766f7f632d36 |
catalog_url | |
cci_project | AEROSOL |