Dataset: ESA Aerosol Climate Change Initiative (Aerosol CCI): Level 2 aerosol products from MERIS (ALAMO algorithm), Version 2.2#
Dataset identifier: esacci.AEROSOL.satellite-orbit-frequency.L2P.AOD.MERIS.Envisat.MERIS_ENVISAT.2-2.r1
Data store: cciodp
How to open this dataset in AVL JupyterLab
cciodp_store = new_data_store('cciodp')
ds = cciodp_store.open_data('esacci.AEROSOL.satellite-orbit-frequency.L2P.AOD.MERIS.Envisat.MERIS_ENVISAT.2-2.r1')
Bounding box map#
cciodp_store = new_data_store('cciodp')
ds = cciodp_store.open_data('esacci.AEROSOL.satellite-orbit-frequency.L2P.AOD.MERIS.Envisat.MERIS_ENVISAT.2-2.r1')
Map tiles and data from OpenStreetMap, under the ODbL.
Basic information#
Parameter | Value |
Bounding box longitude (°) | -180.0 to 180.0 |
Bounding box latitude (°) | -90.0 to 90.0 |
Time range | 2008-01-01 to 2008-12-31 |
Click here for full dataset metadata.
Variable list#
Click on a variable name to jump to the variable’s full metadata.
Variable | Long name | Units |
iline | Line number of the pixel in the original grid | 1 |
icolumn | Column number of the pixel in the original grid | 1 |
pixel_corner_latitude1 | North-West pixel corner latitude | degree_north |
pixel_corner_latitude2 | North-East pixel corner latitude | degree_north |
pixel_corner_latitude3 | South-East pixel corner latitude | degree_north |
pixel_corner_latitude4 | South-West pixel corner latitude | degree_north |
pixel_corner_longitude1 | North-West pixel corner longitude | degree_east |
pixel_corner_longitude2 | North-East pixel corner longitude | degree_east |
pixel_corner_longitude3 | South-East pixel corner longitude | degree_east |
pixel_corner_longitude4 | South-West pixel corner longitude | degree_east |
AOD550 | Mean Effective Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550nm over ocean - Best solution | 1 |
AOD550_std | Standard Deviation of Effective Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550nm over ocean - Best solution | 1 |
AOD865 | Mean Effective Aerosol Optical Thickness at 865nm over ocean - Best solution | 1 |
AOD865_std | Standard Deviation of Effective Aerosol Optical Thickness at 865nm over ocean - Best solution | 1 |
fAOD550 | Mean Fine Mode Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550nm over ocean - Best solution | 1 |
fAOD550_std | Standard Deviation of Fine Mode Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550nm over ocean - Best solution | 1 |
fAOD865 | Mean Fine Mode Aerosol Optical Thickness at 865nm over ocean - Best solution | 1 |
fAOD865_std | Standard Deviation of Fine Mode Aerosol Optical Thickness at 865nm over ocean - Best solution | 1 |
R_eff | Mean Effective Radius over ocean - Best solution | m |
R_eff_std | Standard Deviation of Effective Radius over ocean - Best solution | m |
Aerosol_Altitude | Mean Aerosol Altitude | m |
Aerosol_Altitude_std | Standard Deviation of Aerosol Altitude | m |
Full variable metadata#
Field | Value |
long_name | Line number of the pixel in the original grid |
units | 1 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
valid_range | 0, 2004 |
missing_value | -9999 |
orig_data_type | int32 |
fill_value | -9999 |
size | 38620 |
shape | 38620 |
chunk_sizes | 38620 |
file_chunk_sizes | 38620 |
data_type | int32 |
dimensions | pixel_number |
file_dimensions | pixel_number |
Field | Value |
units | 1 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
valid_range | 0, 4008 |
missing_value | -9999 |
long_name | Column number of the pixel in the original grid |
orig_data_type | int32 |
fill_value | -9999 |
size | 38620 |
shape | 38620 |
chunk_sizes | 38620 |
file_chunk_sizes | 38620 |
data_type | int32 |
dimensions | pixel_number |
file_dimensions | pixel_number |
Field | Value |
units | degree_north |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
valid_range | -90.0, 90.0 |
missing_value | -9999.0 |
long_name | North-West pixel corner latitude |
standard_name | latitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -9999.0 |
size | 38620 |
shape | 38620 |
chunk_sizes | 38620 |
file_chunk_sizes | 38620 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | pixel_number |
file_dimensions | pixel_number |
Field | Value |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
valid_range | -90.0, 90.0 |
missing_value | -9999.0 |
long_name | North-East pixel corner latitude |
standard_name | latitude |
units | degree_north |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -9999.0 |
size | 38620 |
shape | 38620 |
chunk_sizes | 38620 |
file_chunk_sizes | 38620 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | pixel_number |
file_dimensions | pixel_number |
Field | Value |
missing_value | -9999.0 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
valid_range | -90.0, 90.0 |
long_name | South-East pixel corner latitude |
standard_name | latitude |
units | degree_north |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -9999.0 |
size | 38620 |
shape | 38620 |
chunk_sizes | 38620 |
file_chunk_sizes | 38620 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | pixel_number |
file_dimensions | pixel_number |
Field | Value |
valid_range | -90.0, 90.0 |
missing_value | -9999.0 |
standard_name | latitude |
units | degree_north |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
long_name | South-West pixel corner latitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -9999.0 |
size | 38620 |
shape | 38620 |
chunk_sizes | 38620 |
file_chunk_sizes | 38620 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | pixel_number |
file_dimensions | pixel_number |
Field | Value |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
valid_range | -180.0, 180.0 |
missing_value | -9999.0 |
long_name | North-West pixel corner longitude |
standard_name | longitude |
units | degree_east |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -9999.0 |
size | 38620 |
shape | 38620 |
chunk_sizes | 38620 |
file_chunk_sizes | 38620 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | pixel_number |
file_dimensions | pixel_number |
Field | Value |
valid_range | -180.0, 180.0 |
missing_value | -9999.0 |
long_name | North-East pixel corner longitude |
standard_name | longitude |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
units | degree_east |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -9999.0 |
size | 38620 |
shape | 38620 |
chunk_sizes | 38620 |
file_chunk_sizes | 38620 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | pixel_number |
file_dimensions | pixel_number |
Field | Value |
valid_range | -180.0, 180.0 |
missing_value | -9999.0 |
long_name | South-East pixel corner longitude |
standard_name | longitude |
units | degree_east |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -9999.0 |
size | 38620 |
shape | 38620 |
chunk_sizes | 38620 |
file_chunk_sizes | 38620 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | pixel_number |
file_dimensions | pixel_number |
Field | Value |
missing_value | -9999.0 |
valid_range | -180.0, 180.0 |
long_name | South-West pixel corner longitude |
standard_name | longitude |
units | degree_east |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | -9999.0 |
size | 38620 |
shape | 38620 |
chunk_sizes | 38620 |
file_chunk_sizes | 38620 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | pixel_number |
file_dimensions | pixel_number |
Field | Value |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
valid_range | -3.4028235e+38, 3.4028235e+38 |
missing_value | None |
long_name | Mean Effective Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550nm over ocean - Best solution |
standard_name | atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol |
units | 1 |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | None |
size | 38620 |
shape | 38620 |
chunk_sizes | 38620 |
file_chunk_sizes | 38620 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | pixel_number |
file_dimensions | pixel_number |
Field | Value |
missing_value | None |
long_name | Standard Deviation of Effective Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550nm over ocean - Best solution |
units | 1 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
valid_range | -3.4028235e+38, 3.4028235e+38 |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | None |
size | 38620 |
shape | 38620 |
chunk_sizes | 38620 |
file_chunk_sizes | 38620 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | pixel_number |
file_dimensions | pixel_number |
Field | Value |
long_name | Mean Effective Aerosol Optical Thickness at 865nm over ocean - Best solution |
standard_name | atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol |
units | 1 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
valid_range | -3.4028235e+38, 3.4028235e+38 |
missing_value | None |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | None |
size | 38620 |
shape | 38620 |
chunk_sizes | 38620 |
file_chunk_sizes | 38620 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | pixel_number |
file_dimensions | pixel_number |
Field | Value |
long_name | Standard Deviation of Effective Aerosol Optical Thickness at 865nm over ocean - Best solution |
units | 1 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
valid_range | -3.4028235e+38, 3.4028235e+38 |
missing_value | None |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | None |
size | 38620 |
shape | 38620 |
chunk_sizes | 38620 |
file_chunk_sizes | 38620 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | pixel_number |
file_dimensions | pixel_number |
Field | Value |
valid_range | -3.4028235e+38, 3.4028235e+38 |
missing_value | None |
long_name | Mean Fine Mode Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550nm over ocean - Best solution |
standard_name | atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol |
units | 1 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | None |
size | 38620 |
shape | 38620 |
chunk_sizes | 38620 |
file_chunk_sizes | 38620 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | pixel_number |
file_dimensions | pixel_number |
Field | Value |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
valid_range | -3.4028235e+38, 3.4028235e+38 |
missing_value | None |
long_name | Standard Deviation of Fine Mode Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550nm over ocean - Best solution |
units | 1 |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | None |
size | 38620 |
shape | 38620 |
chunk_sizes | 38620 |
file_chunk_sizes | 38620 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | pixel_number |
file_dimensions | pixel_number |
Field | Value |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
valid_range | -3.4028235e+38, 3.4028235e+38 |
missing_value | None |
standard_name | atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol |
units | 1 |
long_name | Mean Fine Mode Aerosol Optical Thickness at 865nm over ocean - Best solution |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | None |
size | 38620 |
shape | 38620 |
chunk_sizes | 38620 |
file_chunk_sizes | 38620 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | pixel_number |
file_dimensions | pixel_number |
Field | Value |
units | 1 |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
valid_range | -3.4028235e+38, 3.4028235e+38 |
missing_value | None |
long_name | Standard Deviation of Fine Mode Aerosol Optical Thickness at 865nm over ocean - Best solution |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | None |
size | 38620 |
shape | 38620 |
chunk_sizes | 38620 |
file_chunk_sizes | 38620 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | pixel_number |
file_dimensions | pixel_number |
Field | Value |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
valid_range | -3.4028235e+38, 3.4028235e+38 |
missing_value | None |
long_name | Mean Effective Radius over ocean - Best solution |
units | m |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | None |
size | 38620 |
shape | 38620 |
chunk_sizes | 38620 |
file_chunk_sizes | 38620 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | pixel_number |
file_dimensions | pixel_number |
Field | Value |
valid_range | -3.4028235e+38, 3.4028235e+38 |
missing_value | None |
long_name | Standard Deviation of Effective Radius over ocean - Best solution |
units | m |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | None |
size | 38620 |
shape | 38620 |
chunk_sizes | 38620 |
file_chunk_sizes | 38620 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | pixel_number |
file_dimensions | pixel_number |
Field | Value |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
valid_range | -3.4028235e+38, 3.4028235e+38 |
missing_value | None |
long_name | Mean Aerosol Altitude |
units | m |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | None |
size | 38620 |
shape | 38620 |
chunk_sizes | 38620 |
file_chunk_sizes | 38620 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | pixel_number |
file_dimensions | pixel_number |
Field | Value |
long_name | Standard Deviation of Aerosol Altitude |
units | m |
coordinates | latitude longitude |
valid_range | -3.4028235e+38, 3.4028235e+38 |
missing_value | None |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | None |
size | 38620 |
shape | 38620 |
chunk_sizes | 38620 |
file_chunk_sizes | 38620 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | pixel_number |
file_dimensions | pixel_number |
Full dataset metadata#
Field | Value |
product_version | 2-2 |
references | |
title | ESA Aerosol Climate Change Initiative (Aerosol CCI): Level 2 aerosol products from MERIS (ALAMO algorithm), Version 2.2 |
project | Climate Change Initiative - European Space Agency |
source | MEGS 8.0, ALAMO product V1-12 |
history | Level 2 product from MEGS 8.0, ALAMO product V1-12, mapped with v2.4.5 |
ecv | AEROSOL |
processing_level | L2P |
product_string | MERIS_ENVISAT |
data_type | AOD |
sensor_id | MERIS |
platform_id | Envisat |
abstract | The ESA Climate Change Initiative Aerosol project has produced a number of global aerosol Essential Climate Variable (ECV) products from a set of European satellite instruments with different characteristics. This dataset comprises the Level 2 aerosol products from MERIS for 2008, using the ALAMO algorithm, version 2.2. The data have been provided by Hygeos. For further details about these data products please see the linked documentation. |
publication_date | 2016-07-28T14:39:08 |
uuid | a6efcb0868664248b9cb212aba44313d |
catalog_url | |
cci_project | AEROSOL |