Dataset: ESA Greenhouse Gases Climate Change Initiative (GHG_cci): Column-averaged CH4 from SCIAMACHY generated with the IMAP-DOAS algorithm (CH4_SCI_IMAP), v7.2#

Dataset identifier: esacci.GHG.satellite-orbit-frequency.L2.CH4.SCIAMACHY.Envisat.IMAP.v7-2.r1
Data store: cciodp

How to open this dataset in AVL JupyterLab  

cciodp_store = new_data_store('cciodp')
ds = cciodp_store.open_data('esacci.GHG.satellite-orbit-frequency.L2.CH4.SCIAMACHY.Envisat.IMAP.v7-2.r1')

Bounding box map#

Bounding box map
Map tiles and data from OpenStreetMap, under the ODbL.

Basic information#

Parameter Value
Bounding box longitude (°) -180.0 to 180.0
Bounding box latitude (°) -90.0 to 90.0
Time range 2003-01-08 to 2012-04-08

Click here for full dataset metadata.

Variable list#

Click on a variable name to jump to the variable’s full metadata.

Variable Long name Units
solar_zenith_angle Solar zenith angle degrees
sensor_zenith_angle Sensor zenith angle degrees
pressure_levels pressure levels hPa
pressure_weight pressure weights 1
xch4_raw column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric methane (ppb), includes tentative bias correction using H2O columns 1e-9
xch4 column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric methane (ppb) 1e-9
h2o_ecmwf ECMWF H2O vertical column density cm-2
xch4_prior prior column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric methane (ppb) 1e-9
xco2_prior prior column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric carbon dioxide (ppm) from CarbonTracker 2011 1e-6
xco2_retrieved column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric carbon dioxide (ppm) as used in XCH4 proxy 1e-6
xch4_uncertainty 1-sigma uncertainty of the retrieved column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric methane 1e-9
xch4_averaging_kernel normalized column averaging kernel 1
ch4_profile_apriori a priori profile of dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric methane (ppb) 1e-9
xch4_quality_flag Retrieval quality flag 1
dry_airmass_layer Dry airmass per layer m-2
surface_elevation Height m
surface_temperature Surface temperature Kelvin
chi2_ch4 Chi-squared 1
chi2_co2 Chi-squared 1
xco2_macc column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric carbon dioxide (ppm) from MACC(downloaded August 2016 from portal) 1e-6
xco2_CT2015 column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric carbon dioxide (ppm) from CarbonTracker2015 1e-6
xch4_v71 column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric methane (ppm) from the last version IMAP v71 (CT2011 used and older bias correction) 1e-9

Full variable metadata#


Field Value
standard_name solar_zenith_angle
long_name Solar zenith angle
units degrees
comment Solar zenith angle is the angle between the line of sight to the sun and the local vertical
least_significant_digit 6
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 3633
shape 3633
chunk_sizes 3633
file_chunk_sizes 3633
data_type float32
dimensions sounding_dim
file_dimensions sounding_dim


Field Value
standard_name sensor_zenith_angle
long_name Sensor zenith angle
units degrees
comment Sensor zenith angle is the angle between the line of sight to the sensor and the local vertical
least_significant_digit 6
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 3633
shape 3633
chunk_sizes 3633
file_chunk_sizes 3633
data_type float32
dimensions sounding_dim
file_dimensions sounding_dim


Field Value
long_name pressure levels
comment Pressure levels define the boundaries of the averaging kernel and mole fraction profile layers. Surface pressure is represented by the 1st element, i.e., profiles are ordered from surface to top of atmosphere.
units hPa
least_significant_digit 6
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 39963
shape 3633, 11
chunk_sizes 3633, 11
file_chunk_sizes 3633, 11
data_type float32
dimensions sounding_dim, level_dim
file_dimensions sounding_dim, level_dim


Field Value
long_name pressure weights
units 1
comment Pressure weights are the layer dependent weights needed to apply the averaging kernels.
least_significant_digit 6
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 36330
shape 3633, 10
chunk_sizes 3633, 10
file_chunk_sizes 3633, 10
data_type float32
dimensions sounding_dim, layer_dim
file_dimensions sounding_dim, layer_dim


Field Value
long_name column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric methane (ppb), includes tentative bias correction using H2O columns
units 1e-9
comment original (non-corrected) column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric methane (XCH4) in ppp
least_significant_digit 6
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 3633
shape 3633
chunk_sizes 3633
file_chunk_sizes 3633
data_type float32
dimensions sounding_dim
file_dimensions sounding_dim


Field Value
comment Bias-corrected retrieved column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric methane (XCH4) in ppp
long_name column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric methane (ppb)
units 1e-9
least_significant_digit 6
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 3633
shape 3633
chunk_sizes 3633
file_chunk_sizes 3633
data_type float32
dimensions sounding_dim
file_dimensions sounding_dim


Field Value
comment ECMWF H2O vertical column density(from ECMWF)
units cm-2
long_name ECMWF H2O vertical column density
least_significant_digit 6
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 3633
shape 3633
chunk_sizes 3633
file_chunk_sizes 3633
data_type float32
dimensions sounding_dim
file_dimensions sounding_dim


Field Value
long_name prior column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric methane (ppb)
units 1e-9
comment a priori column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric carbon methane (XCH4) in ppp
least_significant_digit 6
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 3633
shape 3633
chunk_sizes 3633
file_chunk_sizes 3633
data_type float32
dimensions sounding_dim
file_dimensions sounding_dim


Field Value
long_name prior column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric carbon dioxide (ppm) from CarbonTracker 2011
units 1e-6
comment a priori column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric carbon dioxide (XCO2) in ppm (to be used to replace the XCO2 rescaling factor if warranted)
least_significant_digit 6
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 3633
shape 3633
chunk_sizes 3633
file_chunk_sizes 3633
data_type float32
dimensions sounding_dim
file_dimensions sounding_dim


Field Value
long_name column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric carbon dioxide (ppm) as used in XCH4 proxy
comment retrieved column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric carbon dioxide (XCO2) in ppm (not to be used for XCO2 interpretation, just for rescaling XCH4!)
least_significant_digit 6
units 1e-6
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 3633
shape 3633
chunk_sizes 3633
file_chunk_sizes 3633
data_type float32
dimensions sounding_dim
file_dimensions sounding_dim


Field Value
long_name 1-sigma uncertainty of the retrieved column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric methane
units 1e-9
comment detector noise-driven 1-sigma uncertainty of the retrieved column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric methane (XCH4) in ppb
least_significant_digit 6
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 3633
shape 3633
chunk_sizes 3633
file_chunk_sizes 3633
data_type float32
dimensions sounding_dim
file_dimensions sounding_dim


Field Value
long_name normalized column averaging kernel
units 1
comment The normalized column-averaging kernel represents the sensitivity of the retrieved XCH4 to the atmospheric methane mole fraction depending on pressure (height). All values represent layer averages within the corresponding pressure levels. Values near one are ideal and indicate that the influence of the a priori is minimal. Profiles are ordered from surface to top of atmosphere.
least_significant_digit 6
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 36330
shape 3633, 10
chunk_sizes 3633, 10
file_chunk_sizes 3633, 10
data_type float32
dimensions sounding_dim, layer_dim
file_dimensions sounding_dim, layer_dim


Field Value
long_name a priori profile of dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric methane (ppb)
units 1e-9
comment a priori profile of dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric methane (XCH4) in ppp
least_significant_digit 6
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 36330
shape 3633, 10
chunk_sizes 3633, 10
file_chunk_sizes 3633, 10
data_type float32
dimensions sounding_dim, layer_dim
file_dimensions sounding_dim, layer_dim


Field Value
comment 0=good, 1=bad
long_name Retrieval quality flag
least_significant_digit 6
units 1
orig_data_type int32
fill_value 9223372036854775807
size 3633
shape 3633
chunk_sizes 3633
file_chunk_sizes 3633
data_type int64
dimensions sounding_dim
file_dimensions sounding_dim


Field Value
long_name Dry airmass per layer
units m-2
comments The dry airmass per layer, units are molecules cm-2
least_significant_digit 6
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 36330
shape 3633, 10
chunk_sizes 3633, 10
file_chunk_sizes 3633, 10
data_type float32
dimensions sounding_dim, layer_dim
file_dimensions sounding_dim, layer_dim


Field Value
standard_name height
long_name Height
units m
comments Height is the vertical distance above the surface
least_significant_digit 6
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 3633
shape 3633
chunk_sizes 3633
file_chunk_sizes 3633
data_type float32
dimensions sounding_dim
file_dimensions sounding_dim


Field Value
least_significant_digit 6
long_name Surface temperature
units Kelvin
comment Surface temperature within SCIAMACHY ground-pixel (from ECMWF)
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 3633
shape 3633
chunk_sizes 3633
file_chunk_sizes 3633
data_type float32
dimensions sounding_dim
file_dimensions sounding_dim


Field Value
long_name Chi-squared
units 1
comments Chi_squared value of the sounding (CH4 fit)
least_significant_digit 6
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 3633
shape 3633
chunk_sizes 3633
file_chunk_sizes 3633
data_type float32
dimensions sounding_dim
file_dimensions sounding_dim


Field Value
long_name Chi-squared
units 1
comments Chi_squared value of the sounding (CH4 fit)
least_significant_digit 6
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 3633
shape 3633
chunk_sizes 3633
file_chunk_sizes 3633
data_type float32
dimensions sounding_dim
file_dimensions sounding_dim


Field Value
least_significant_digit 6
long_name column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric carbon dioxide (ppm) from MACC(downloaded August 2016 from portal)
units 1e-6
comment column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric carbon dioxide (XCO2) in ppm (cans be used to replace the XCO2 rescaling factor if warranted)
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 3633
shape 3633
chunk_sizes 3633
file_chunk_sizes 3633
data_type float32
dimensions sounding_dim
file_dimensions sounding_dim


Field Value
long_name column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric carbon dioxide (ppm) from CarbonTracker2015
comment column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric carbon dioxide (XCO2) in ppm from CT2015 (the one used for XCH4 re-scaling)
least_significant_digit 6
units 1e-6
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 3633
shape 3633
chunk_sizes 3633
file_chunk_sizes 3633
data_type float32
dimensions sounding_dim
file_dimensions sounding_dim


Field Value
long_name column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric methane (ppm) from the last version IMAP v71 (CT2011 used and older bias correction)
units 1e-9
comment column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric methane (ppm) from the last version (CT2011 used and older bias correction)
least_significant_digit 6
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 3633
shape 3633
chunk_sizes 3633
file_chunk_sizes 3633
data_type float32
dimensions sounding_dim
file_dimensions sounding_dim

Full dataset metadata#

Field Value
comment These data were produced at SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research in the frame of the ESA GHG CCI project
product_version v7-2
title ESA Greenhouse Gases Climate Change Initiative (GHG_cci): Column-averaged CH4 from SCIAMACHY generated with the IMAP-DOAS algorithm (CH4_SCI_IMAP), v7.2
project Climate Change Initiative - European Space Agency
source SCIAMACHY L1B version v70
history 15.05.2014 - product generated with IMAP v72
ecv GHG
institute Netherlands Institute for Space Research
processing_level L2
product_string IMAP
data_type CH4
sensor_id SCIAMACHY
platform_id Envisat
abstract The CH4_SCI_IMAP dataset is comprised of level 2, column-averaged dry-air mole fractions (mixing ratios) of methane (CH4). It has been produced using data acquired from the SWIR spectra (channel 6) of the SCanning Imaging Absorption spectroMeter for Atmospheric CHartographY (SCIAMACHY) on board the European Space Agency's (ESA's) environmental research satellite ENVISAT using the IMAP-DOAS algorithm. It has been generated as part of ESA Greenhouse Gases Climate Change Initiative (GHG_cci) project. This version of the dataset is v7.2 and forms part of the Climate Research Data Package 4. The IMAP-DOAS algorithm has been developed at the University of Heidelberg and SRON, and has been applied here to the SCIAMACHY data. This procedure and the algorithms validity are thoroughly described in Frankenberg et al (2011). A second product is also available which has been generated using the Weighting Function Modified DOAS (WFM-DOAS) algorithm. The data product is stored per orbit in a single NetCDF4 file. Retrieval results are provided for the individual SCIAMACHY spatial footprints, no averaging having been applied. The product file contains the key products and information relevant to using the data, such as the vertical layering and averaging kernels. For further details on the product, including the IMAP algorithm and the SCIAMACHY instrument, please see the associated product user guide (PUG) or the Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document.
publication_date 2018-03-19T21:16:29
uuid 8f5623a85d2e4b9b8ab5313f65a7c994
cci_project GHG