Dataset: ESA Greenhouse Gases Climate Change Initiative (GHG_cci): Column-averaged CH4 Merged Product generated with the EMMA algorithm (CH4_EMMA), version 1.2#

Dataset identifier: esacci.GHG.satellite-orbit-frequency.L2.CH4.TANSO-FTS.GOSAT.EMMA.ch4_v1-2.r1
Data store: cciodp

How to open this dataset in AVL JupyterLab  

cciodp_store = new_data_store('cciodp')
ds = cciodp_store.open_data('esacci.GHG.satellite-orbit-frequency.L2.CH4.TANSO-FTS.GOSAT.EMMA.ch4_v1-2.r1')

Bounding box map#

Bounding box map
Map tiles and data from OpenStreetMap, under the ODbL.

Basic information#

Parameter Value
Bounding box longitude (°) -180.0 to 180.0
Bounding box latitude (°) -90.0 to 90.0
Time range 2009-05-31 to 2014-05-30

Click here for full dataset metadata.

Variable list#

Click on a variable name to jump to the variable’s full metadata.

Variable Long name Units
solar_zenith_angle solar zenith angle degree
sensor_zenith_angle Sensor zenith angle degree
xch4_quality_flag quality flag [none]
xch4 column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric methane in dry air 1e-9
xch4_uncertainty 1-sigma uncertainty of the retrieved column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric methane 1e-9
ch4_profile_apriori a priori dry-air mole fraction profile of atmospheric methane 1e-9
pressure_levels pressure levels hPa
pressure_weight pressure weight 1
xch4_averaging_kernel normalized column averaging kernel 1
median_processor_id l2 processor id [none]
median_uncertainty xch4 median uncertainty 1e-9
median_uncertainty_se xch4 median uncertainty se 1e-9
median_uncertainty_ex xch4 median uncertainty ex 1e-9

Full variable metadata#


Field Value
standard_name solar_zenith_angle
long_name solar zenith angle
units degree
comment Solar zenith angle is the the angle between the line of sight to the sun and the local vertical.
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 297
shape 297
chunk_sizes 297
file_chunk_sizes 297
data_type float32
dimensions sounding_dim
file_dimensions sounding_dim


Field Value
standard_name sensor_zenith_angle
long_name Sensor zenith angle
units degree
comment Sensor zenith angle is the angle between the line of sight to the sensor and the local vertical.
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 297
shape 297
chunk_sizes 297
file_chunk_sizes 297
data_type float32
dimensions sounding_dim
file_dimensions sounding_dim


Field Value
_Unsigned false
long_name quality flag
flag_values 0, 1
flag_meanings good_quality potentially_bad_quality
comment 0=good, 1=bad
orig_data_type uint8
fill_value 65535
size 297
shape 297
chunk_sizes 297
file_chunk_sizes 297
data_type uint16
dimensions sounding_dim
file_dimensions sounding_dim


Field Value
standard_name dry_atmosphere_mole_fraction_of_methane
long_name column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric methane in dry air
units 1e-9
comment Retrieved column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric methane (Xch4) in ppm
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 297
shape 297
chunk_sizes 297
file_chunk_sizes 297
data_type float32
dimensions sounding_dim
file_dimensions sounding_dim


Field Value
long_name 1-sigma uncertainty of the retrieved column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric methane
units 1e-9
comment 1-sigma uncertainty of the retrieved column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric methane (Xch4) in ppm
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 297
shape 297
chunk_sizes 297
file_chunk_sizes 297
data_type float32
dimensions sounding_dim
file_dimensions sounding_dim


Field Value
long_name a priori dry-air mole fraction profile of atmospheric methane
units 1e-9
comment A priori dry-air mole fraction profile of atmospheric methane in ppm All values represent layer averages within the corresponding pressure levels. Profiles are ordered from surface to top of atmosphere. The a priori profile is needed to apply the Xch4 averaging kernel. See Product Specification Document Version 3 at for more information.
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 2970
shape 297, 10
chunk_sizes 297, 10
file_chunk_sizes 297, 10
data_type float32
dimensions sounding_dim, layer_dim
file_dimensions sounding_dim, layer_dim


Field Value
long_name pressure levels
units hPa
comment Pressure levels define the boundaries of the averaging kernel and mole fraction profile layers. Surface pressure is represented by the 1st element, i.e., profiles are ordered from surface to top of atmosphere.
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 3267
shape 297, 11
chunk_sizes 297, 11
file_chunk_sizes 297, 11
data_type float32
dimensions sounding_dim, level_dim
file_dimensions sounding_dim, level_dim


Field Value
long_name pressure weight
units 1
comment Layer dependent weights needed to apply the averaging kernels (see Product Specification Document Version 3,
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 2970
shape 297, 10
chunk_sizes 297, 10
file_chunk_sizes 297, 10
data_type float32
dimensions sounding_dim, layer_dim
file_dimensions sounding_dim, layer_dim


Field Value
long_name normalized column averaging kernel
units 1
comment The normalized column-averaging kernel represents the sensitivity of the retrieved Xch4 to the atmospheric methane mole fraction depending on pressure (height). All values represent layer averages within the corresponding pressure levels. Values near one are ideal and indicate that the influence of the a priori is minimal. Profiles are ordered from surface to top of atmosphere. See Product Specification Document Version 3 at for more information.
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 2970
shape 297, 10
chunk_sizes 297, 10
file_chunk_sizes 297, 10
data_type float32
dimensions sounding_dim, layer_dim
file_dimensions sounding_dim, layer_dim


Field Value
long_name l2 processor id
comment ID Institute Algorithm Version
30 SRON RemoTeC-PR v2.3.8
31 SRON RemoTeC-FP v2.3.8
40 UoL UoL-PR v7.0
41 UoL UoL-FP v2.02
60 NIES NIES v02.21
orig_data_type int16
fill_value 2147483647
size 297
shape 297
chunk_sizes 297
file_chunk_sizes 297
data_type int32
dimensions sounding_dim
file_dimensions sounding_dim


Field Value
long_name xch4 median uncertainty
units 1e-9
comment inter-algorithm-spread
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 297
shape 297
chunk_sizes 297
file_chunk_sizes 297
data_type float32
dimensions sounding_dim
file_dimensions sounding_dim


Field Value
long_name xch4 median uncertainty se
units 1e-9
comment standard error of the median uncertainty
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 297
shape 297
chunk_sizes 297
file_chunk_sizes 297
data_type float32
dimensions sounding_dim
file_dimensions sounding_dim


Field Value
long_name xch4 median uncertainty ex
units 1e-9
comment expected inter-algorithm spread due to measurement noise
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 297
shape 297
chunk_sizes 297
file_chunk_sizes 297
data_type float32
dimensions sounding_dim
file_dimensions sounding_dim

Full dataset metadata#

Field Value
title ESA Greenhouse Gases Climate Change Initiative (GHG_cci): Column-averaged CH4 Merged Product generated with the EMMA algorithm (CH4_EMMA), version 1.2
references M. Reuter, H. Bösch, H. Bovensmann, A. Bril, M. Buchwitz, A. Butz,
J. P. Burrows, C. W. ODell, S. Guerlet, O. Hasekamp, J. Heymann, N. Kikuchi,
S. Oshchepkov, R. Parker, S. Pfeifer, O. Schneising, T. Yokota, and
Y. Yoshida: A joint effort to deliver satellite retrieved atmospheric ch4
concentrations for surface flux inversions: the ensemble median algorithm
EMMA. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 12, 23195-23217, 2012
product_version ch4_v1-2
ecv GHG
institute Institute of Environmental Physics
processing_level L2
product_string EMMA
data_type CH4
sensor_id TANSO-FTS
platform_id GOSAT
abstract The CH4_EMMA dataset is comprised of level 2, column-averaged dry-air mole fractions (mixing ratios) for methane (XCH4). It has been produced using the ensemble median algorithm EMMA to several different versions of the Japanes Greenhouse gases Observing Satellite (GOSAT) XCH4 data, as part of the ESA Greenhouse Gases Climate Change Initiative (GHG_cci) project. This version of the product is v1.2, and forms part of the Climate Research Data Package 4. The ensemble median algorithm EMMA has been applied to level 2 data of several different retrieval products from the Japanese Greenhouse gases Observing Satellite (GOSAT) This is therefore a merged GOSAT XCH4 Level 2 product, which is primarily used as a comparison tool to assess the level of agreement / disagreement of the various input products (for model-independent global comparison, i.e. for comparisons not restricted to TCCON validation sites and independent of global model data). For further information on the product and the EMMA algorithm please see the EMMA website, the GHG-CCI Data Products webpage or the Product Validation and Intercomparison Report (PVIR).
publication_date 2018-03-19T21:05:17
uuid 9ed2813d2eda4d958e92ab3ce1ab1fe6
cci_project GHG