Dataset: ESA Greenhouse Gases Climate Change Initiative (GHG_cci): Column-averaged CO2 from SCIAMACHY generated with the BESD algorithm (CO2_SCI_BESD), v02.01.02
Dataset: ESA Greenhouse Gases Climate Change Initiative (GHG_cci): Column-averaged CO2 from SCIAMACHY generated with the BESD algorithm (CO2_SCI_BESD), v02.01.02#
Dataset identifier: esacci.GHG.satellite-orbit-frequency.L2.CO2.SCIAMACHY.Envisat.BESD.v02-01-02.r1 Data store: cciodp
a priori dry-air mole fraction profile of atmospheric carbon dioxide
A priori dry-air mole fraction profile of atmospheric carbon dioxide in ppm All values represent layer averages within the corresponding pressure levels. Profiles are ordered from surface to top of atmosphere. The a priori profile is needed to apply the XCO2 averaging kernel. See Product Specification Document Version 3 at for more information.
Pressure levels define the boundaries of the averaging kernel and mole fraction profile layers. Surface pressure is represented by the 1st element, i.e., profiles are ordered from surface to top of atmosphere.
The normalized column-averaging kernel represents the sensitivity of the retrieved XCO2 to the atmospheric carbon dioxide mole fraction depending on pressure (height). All values represent layer averages within the corresponding pressure levels. Values near one are ideal and indicate that the influence of the a priori is minimal. Profiles are ordered from surface to top of atmosphere. See Product Specification Document Version 3 at for more information.
ESA Greenhouse Gases Climate Change Initiative (GHG_cci): Column-averaged CO2 from SCIAMACHY generated with the BESD algorithm (CO2_SCI_BESD), v02.01.02
These data were produced at the University of Bremen in the frame of the ESA GHG CCI project
Institute of Environmental Physics
The CO2_SCI_BESD dataset comprises level 2, column-averaged dry-air mole fractions (mixing ratios) of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the SCanning Imaging Absorption spectroMeter for Atmospheric CHartographY (SCIAMACHY) instrument on board the European Space Agency's (ESA's) environmental research satellite ENVISAT. It has been produced using the Bremen Optimal Estimation DOAS (BESD) algorithm, by the ESA Greenhouse Gases Climate Change Initiative (GHG_cci) project. The Bremen Optimal Estimation DOAS (BESD) algorithm is a full physics algorithm which uses measurements in the O2-A absorption band to retrieve scattering information about clouds and aerosols. This is the Greenhouse Gases CCI baseline algorithm for deriving SCIAMACHY XCO2 data. A product has also been generated from the SCIAMACHY data using an alternative algorithm: the WFMD algorithm. It is advised that users who aren't sure whether to use the baseline or alternative product use this BESD product. For more information regarding the differences between baseline and alternative algorithms please see the Greenhouse Gases CCI data products webpage. For further information on the product, including details of the BESD algorithm and the SCIAMACHY instrument, please see the associated product user guide (PUG) or the Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents.