Dataset: ESA Greenland Ice Sheet Climate Change Initiative (Greenland_Ice_Sheet_cci): Greenland Surface Elevation Change grid from SARAL-AltiKa for 2013-2017, v0.1#

Dataset identifier: esacci.ICESHEETS.unspecified.L4.SEC.multi-sensor.multi-platform.UNSPECIFIED.0-1.greenland_sec_saral_altika
Data store: cciodp

How to open this dataset in AVL JupyterLab  

cciodp_store = new_data_store('cciodp')
ds = cciodp_store.open_data('esacci.ICESHEETS.unspecified.L4.SEC.multi-sensor.multi-platform.UNSPECIFIED.0-1.greenland_sec_saral_altika')

Bounding box map#

Bounding box map
Map tiles and data from OpenStreetMap, under the ODbL.

Basic information#

Parameter Value
Bounding box longitude (°) -80.0 to -10.0
Bounding box latitude (°) 60.0 to 90.0
Time range 2013-03-31 to 2017-03-31

Click here for full dataset metadata.

Variable list#

Click on a variable name to jump to the variable’s full metadata.

Variable Long name Units
t Average time for time slice days since 2000-01-01 00:00:00
start_time Start of time slice days since 2000-01-01 00:00:00
end_time End of time slice days since 2000-01-01 00:00:00
grid_projection [none] [none]
CS2SEC CryoSat-2 Surface elevation changes, 10.0 km gaussian filter [none]
CS2SEC_error CryoSat-2 Error estimates associated with surface elevation changes [none]
AltiKaSEC AltiKA surface elevation changes, 10.0 km gaussian filter [none]
AltiKaSEC_error AltiKa Error estimates associated with surface elevation changes [none]

Full variable metadata#


Field Value
long_name Average time for time slice
units days since 2000-01-01 00:00:00
title Time
calendar gregorian
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 1
shape 1
chunk_sizes 1
file_chunk_sizes 1
data_type float32
dimensions Time
file_dimensions Time


Field Value
calendar gregorian
long_name Start of time slice
units days since 2000-01-01 00:00:00
title Time
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 1
shape 1
chunk_sizes 1
file_chunk_sizes 1
data_type float32
dimensions Time
file_dimensions Time


Field Value
long_name End of time slice
units days since 2000-01-01 00:00:00
title Time
calendar gregorian
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 1
shape 1
chunk_sizes 1
file_chunk_sizes 1
data_type float32
dimensions Time
file_dimensions Time


Field Value
grid_mapping_name polar_stereographic
latitude_of_projection_origin 90.0
standard_parallel 70.0
straight_vertical_longitude_from_pole -45.0
ellipsoid WGS84
false_easting 0.0
false_northing 0.0
DODS strlen: 0
orig_data_type bytes1024
size 1
shape 1
chunk_sizes 1
file_chunk_sizes 1
data_type bytes1024


Field Value
long_name CryoSat-2 Surface elevation changes, 10.0 km gaussian filter
Contributor DTU-GDK
Comment CCI version of the LSM5 from Simonsen et al. 2017
Source Cryosat-2
Bias_correction Backscatter and LeW
Time April 2013 until April 2017
level1_source Cryosat L1 Baseline C
geophysical_corrections All applied to the Cryosat L2 produce
slope_correction GIMP and MSSL slope model from L2 product
backscatter_corrections Backscatter and Leading edge
Gridding_method Weighted interpolation
grid_mapping grid_projection
ref Simonsen et al. 2017
Units m/yr
orig_data_type float32
fill_value 9999.99
size 402590
shape 635, 634, 1
chunk_sizes 635, 634, 1
file_chunk_sizes 635, 634, 1
data_type float32
dimensions y, x, Time
file_dimensions y, x, Time


Field Value
long_name CryoSat-2 Error estimates associated with surface elevation changes
Contributor DTU-GDK
Comment CCI version of the LSM5 from Simonsen et al. 2017
Source Cryosat-2
Bias_correction Backscatter and LeW
Time April 2013 until April 2017
level1_source Cryosat L1 Baseline C
geophysical_corrections All applied to the Cryosat L2 produce
slope_correction GIMP and MSSL slope model from L2 product
backscatter_corrections Backscatter and Leading edge
Gridding_method Weighted interpolation
grid_mapping grid_projection
Units m/yr
orig_data_type float32
fill_value 9999.99
size 402590
shape 635, 634, 1
chunk_sizes 635, 634, 1
file_chunk_sizes 635, 634, 1
data_type float32
dimensions y, x, Time
file_dimensions y, x, Time


Field Value
long_name AltiKA surface elevation changes, 10.0 km gaussian filter
Contributor DTU-GDK
Comment CCI version
Source AltiKA
Bias_correction Backscatter and LeW
Time April 2013 until April 2017
level1_source AltiKa
geophysical_corrections All applied to the AltiKa L2 produce
slope_correction GIMP slope model from L2 product
backscatter_corrections Backscatter and Leading edge
Gridding_method Weighted interpolation
grid_mapping grid_projection
ref Greenland CCI, pers. com Simonsen 2017
Units m/yr
orig_data_type float32
fill_value 9999.99
size 402590
shape 635, 634, 1
chunk_sizes 635, 634, 1
file_chunk_sizes 635, 634, 1
data_type float32
dimensions y, x, Time
file_dimensions y, x, Time


Field Value
long_name AltiKa Error estimates associated with surface elevation changes
Contributor DTU-GDK
Comment CCI version
Source AltiKa
Bias_correction Backscatter and LeW
Time April 2013 until April 2017
level1_source AltiKa
geophysical_corrections All applied to the AltiKa L2 produce
slope_correction GIMP Slope model from L2 product
backscatter_corrections Backscatter and Leading edge
Gridding_method Weighted interpolation
grid_mapping grid_projection
Units m/yr
orig_data_type float32
fill_value 9999.99
size 402590
shape 635, 634, 1
chunk_sizes 635, 634, 1
file_chunk_sizes 635, 634, 1
data_type float32
dimensions y, x, Time
file_dimensions y, x, Time

Full dataset metadata#

Field Value
product_version 0-1
institute DTU-Space, Department of Geodynamics
processing_level L4
product_string UNSPECIFIED
data_type SEC
abstract This data set is part of the ESA Greenland Ice sheet CCI project. The data set provides surface elevation changes (SEC) for the Greenland Ice sheet derived from SARAL-AltiKa for 2013-2017. This new experimental product of surface elevation change is based on data from the AltiKa-instrument onboard the France (CNES)/Indian (ISRO) SARAL satellite. The AktiKa altimeter utilizes Ka-band radar signals, which have less penetration in the upper snow. However, the surface slope and roughness has an imprint in the derived signal and the new product is only available for the flatter central parts of the Greenland ice sheet. The corresponding SEC grid from Cryosat-2 is included for comparison. The algorithm used to devive the product is described in the paper “Implications of changing scattering properties on the Greenland ice sheet volume change from Cryosat-2 altimetry” by S.B. Simonsen and L.S. Sørensen, Remote Sensing of the Environment, 190,pp.207-216, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2016.12.012. The approach used here corresponds to Least Squares Method (LSM) 5 described in the paper, in which the slope within each grid cell is accounted for by subtraction of the GIMP DEM; the data are corrected for both backscatter and leading edge width; and the LSM is solved at 1 km grid resolution (2 km search radius) and averaged in the post-processing to 5 km grid resolution and with a correlation length of 20 km.
title ESA Greenland Ice Sheet Climate Change Initiative (Greenland_Ice_Sheet_cci): Greenland Surface Elevation Change grid from SARAL-AltiKa for 2013-2017, v0.1
publication_date 2018-11-22T17:59:03
uuid 0470e96f2d8245549ef2ba81842cdfd8
sensor_id multi-sensor
platform_id multi-platform
cci_project ICESHEETS