Dataset: ESA Ozone Climate Change Initiative (Ozone CCI): ODIN/SMR Level 3 Limb Ozone Monthly Zonal Mean (MZM) Profiles, Version 1#

Dataset identifier: esacci.OZONE.mon.L3.LP.SMR.ODIN.SMR_ODIN.v0001.r1
Data store: cciodp

How to open this dataset in AVL JupyterLab  

cciodp_store = new_data_store('cciodp')
ds = cciodp_store.open_data('esacci.OZONE.mon.L3.LP.SMR.ODIN.SMR_ODIN.v0001.r1')

Bounding box map#

Bounding box map
Map tiles and data from OpenStreetMap, under the ODbL.

Basic information#

Parameter Value
Bounding box longitude (°) -180.0 to 180.0
Bounding box latitude (°) -90.0 to 90.0
Time range 2001-01-01 to 2012-12-31
Time period 1M

Click here for full dataset metadata.

Variable list#

Click on a variable name to jump to the variable’s full metadata.

Variable Long name Units
approximate_altitude approximate altitude corresponding to pressure levels km
ozone_mixing_ratio [none] 1
ozone_mole_concentation [none] mol cm-3
standard_error_of_the_mean uncertainty of the monthly zonal mean data %
sample_standard_deviation Sample standard deviation in 1 month x10 deg bins %
mean_uncertainty_estimate mean of error estimates %
inhomogeneity_in_time inhomogeneity measure in time 1
inhomogeneity_in_latitude inhomogeneity measure in latitude 1

Full variable metadata#


Field Value
units km
standard_name altitude
long_name approximate altitude corresponding to pressure levels
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 33
shape 33
chunk_sizes 33
file_chunk_sizes 33
data_type float32
dimensions air_pressure
file_dimensions air_pressure


Field Value
standard_name mole_fraction_of_ozone_in_air
units 1
orig_data_type float64
fill_value None
size 85536
shape 144, 33, 18
chunk_sizes 12, 33, 18
file_chunk_sizes 12, 33, 18
data_type float64
dimensions time, air_pressure, latitude_centers
file_dimensions time, air_pressure, latitude_centers


Field Value
units mol cm-3
standard_name mole_concentration_of_ozone_in_air
orig_data_type float64
fill_value None
size 85536
shape 144, 33, 18
chunk_sizes 12, 33, 18
file_chunk_sizes 12, 33, 18
data_type float64
dimensions time, air_pressure, latitude_centers
file_dimensions time, air_pressure, latitude_centers


Field Value
long_name uncertainty of the monthly zonal mean data
units %
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 85536
shape 144, 33, 18
chunk_sizes 12, 33, 18
file_chunk_sizes 12, 33, 18
data_type float32
dimensions time, air_pressure, latitude_centers
file_dimensions time, air_pressure, latitude_centers


Field Value
long_name Sample standard deviation in 1 month x10 deg bins
units %
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 85536
shape 144, 33, 18
chunk_sizes 12, 33, 18
file_chunk_sizes 12, 33, 18
data_type float32
dimensions time, air_pressure, latitude_centers
file_dimensions time, air_pressure, latitude_centers


Field Value
long_name mean of error estimates
units %
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 85536
shape 144, 33, 18
chunk_sizes 12, 33, 18
file_chunk_sizes 12, 33, 18
data_type float32
dimensions time, air_pressure, latitude_centers
file_dimensions time, air_pressure, latitude_centers


Field Value
units 1
long_name inhomogeneity measure in time
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 85536
shape 144, 33, 18
chunk_sizes 12, 33, 18
file_chunk_sizes 12, 33, 18
data_type float32
dimensions time, air_pressure, latitude_centers
file_dimensions time, air_pressure, latitude_centers


Field Value
units 1
long_name inhomogeneity measure in latitude
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 85536
shape 144, 33, 18
chunk_sizes 12, 33, 18
file_chunk_sizes 12, 33, 18
data_type float32
dimensions time, air_pressure, latitude_centers
file_dimensions time, air_pressure, latitude_centers

Full dataset metadata#

Field Value
title ESA Ozone Climate Change Initiative (Ozone CCI): ODIN/SMR Level 3 Limb Ozone Monthly Zonal Mean (MZM) Profiles, Version 1
comment Definitions of parameters and data processing is described in the dedicated Technical Note
processing_level L3
product_string SMR_ODIN
product_version v0001
data_type LP
sensor_id SMR
platform_id ODIN
abstract This dataset comprises gridded limb ozone monthly zonal mean profiles from the ODIN/SMR instrument. The data are zonal mean time series (10° latitude bin) and include uncertainty/variability of the Monthly Zonal Mean. The monthly zonal mean (MZM) data set provides ozone profiles averaged in 10° latitude zones from 90°S to 90°N, for each month. The monthly zonal mean data are structured into yearly netcdf files, for each instrument separately. The filename indicates the instrument and the year. For example, the file “” contains monthly zonal mean data for ODIN/SMR in 2008.
publication_date 2016-03-08T16:52:17
uuid fe651dbef5d44248bef70906f4b3d12b
cci_project OZONE