Dataset: ESA Ozone Climate Change Initiative (Ozone CCI): Level 3 Nadir Ozone Profile Merged Data Product, version 2#

Dataset identifier: esacci.OZONE.mon.L3.NP.multi-sensor.multi-platform.MERGED.fv0002.r1
Data store: cciodp

How to open this dataset in AVL JupyterLab  

cciodp_store = new_data_store('cciodp')
ds = cciodp_store.open_data('esacci.OZONE.mon.L3.NP.multi-sensor.multi-platform.MERGED.fv0002.r1')

Bounding box map#

Bounding box map
Map tiles and data from OpenStreetMap, under the ODbL.

Basic information#

Parameter Value
Bounding box longitude (°) -180.0 to 180.0
Bounding box latitude (°) -90.0 to 90.0
Time range 1997-01-01 to 2008-12-31
Time period 1M

Click here for full dataset metadata.

Variable list#

Click on a variable name to jump to the variable’s full metadata.

Variable Long name Units
surface_pressure Pressure at the bottom of the atmosphere. hPa
O3_du weighted average of the partial ozone columns (DU/layer) 446.15E-6 mol m-2
O3e_du error in the weighted average of the partial ozone columns (DU/layer) 446.15E-6 mol m-2
O3_du_tot total column: vertically integrated O3_du dataset (DU) 446.15E-6 mol m-2
O3e_du_tot total column error: quadratically added o3e_du (DU) 446.15E-6 mol m-2
O3_vmr weighted average of the volume mixing ratio (ppmv) 1e-6
O3e_vmr error in the weighted average of the volume mixing ratio (ppmv) 1e-6
O3_ndens weighted average of the number density (#molecules/cm3) 6.02214E-17 mol m-3
O3e_ndens error in the weighted average of the number density (#molecules/cm3) 6.02214E-17 mol m-3

Full variable metadata#


Field Value
standard_name surface_air_pressure
long_name Pressure at the bottom of the atmosphere.
units hPa
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 2332800
shape 36, 180, 360
chunk_sizes 1, 180, 360
file_chunk_sizes 1, 180, 360
data_type float32
dimensions time, lat, lon
file_dimensions time, lat, lon


Field Value
standard_name mole_content_of_ozone_in_atmosphere_layer
long_name weighted average of the partial ozone columns (DU/layer)
units 446.15E-6 mol m-2
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 37324800
shape 36, 16, 180, 360
chunk_sizes 1, 8, 180, 360
file_chunk_sizes 1, 8, 180, 360
data_type float32
dimensions time, layers, lat, lon
file_dimensions time, layers, lat, lon


Field Value
standard_name mole_content_of_ozone_in_atmosphere_layer standard_error
long_name error in the weighted average of the partial ozone columns (DU/layer)
units 446.15E-6 mol m-2
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 37324800
shape 36, 16, 180, 360
chunk_sizes 1, 8, 180, 360
file_chunk_sizes 1, 8, 180, 360
data_type float32
dimensions time, layers, lat, lon
file_dimensions time, layers, lat, lon


Field Value
standard_name atmosphere_mole_content_of_ozone
long_name total column: vertically integrated O3_du dataset (DU)
units 446.15E-6 mol m-2
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 2332800
shape 36, 180, 360
chunk_sizes 1, 180, 360
file_chunk_sizes 1, 180, 360
data_type float32
dimensions time, lat, lon
file_dimensions time, lat, lon


Field Value
standard_name atmosphere_mole_content_of_ozone standard_error
long_name total column error: quadratically added o3e_du (DU)
units 446.15E-6 mol m-2
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 2332800
shape 36, 180, 360
chunk_sizes 1, 180, 360
file_chunk_sizes 1, 180, 360
data_type float32
dimensions time, lat, lon
file_dimensions time, lat, lon


Field Value
standard_name mole_fraction_of_ozone_in_air
long_name weighted average of the volume mixing ratio (ppmv)
units 1e-6
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 39657600
shape 36, 17, 180, 360
chunk_sizes 1, 9, 90, 180
file_chunk_sizes 1, 9, 90, 180
data_type float32
dimensions time, air_pressure, lat, lon
file_dimensions time, air_pressure, lat, lon


Field Value
standard_name mole_fraction_of_ozone_in_air standard_error
long_name error in the weighted average of the volume mixing ratio (ppmv)
units 1e-6
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 39657600
shape 36, 17, 180, 360
chunk_sizes 1, 9, 90, 180
file_chunk_sizes 1, 9, 90, 180
data_type float32
dimensions time, air_pressure, lat, lon
file_dimensions time, air_pressure, lat, lon


Field Value
standard_name mole_concentration_of_ozone_in_air
long_name weighted average of the number density (#molecules/cm3)
units 6.02214E-17 mol m-3
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 39657600
shape 36, 17, 180, 360
chunk_sizes 1, 9, 90, 180
file_chunk_sizes 1, 9, 90, 180
data_type float32
dimensions time, air_pressure, lat, lon
file_dimensions time, air_pressure, lat, lon


Field Value
units 6.02214E-17 mol m-3
standard_name mole_concentration_of_ozone_in_air standard_error
long_name error in the weighted average of the number density (#molecules/cm3)
orig_data_type float32
fill_value None
size 39657600
shape 36, 17, 180, 360
chunk_sizes 1, 9, 90, 180
file_chunk_sizes 1, 9, 90, 180
data_type float32
dimensions time, air_pressure, lat, lon
file_dimensions time, air_pressure, lat, lon

Full dataset metadata#

Field Value
title ESA Ozone Climate Change Initiative (Ozone CCI): Level 3 Nadir Ozone Profile Merged Data Product, version 2
source This dataset contains L2 profiles from GOME, SCIAMACHY, OMI and GOME-2 gridded onto a global grid.
history L2 data gridded to global grid.
product_version fv0002
comment These data were produced at KNMI as part of the ESA OZONE CCI project.
project Climate Change Initiative - European Space Agency
institute Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute
processing_level L3
product_string MERGED
data_type NP
abstract This dataset contains Level 3 nadir profile ozone data from the ESA Ozone Climate Change Initiative (CCI) project. The Level 3 data are monthly averages on a regular 3D grid derived from level 2 ozone profiles. In this version 2 of the dataset, data are available for 1997 and 2007 and 2008 only, and use data from the GOME instrument on ERS (1997) and the GOME-2 instrument on METOP-A (2007, 2008).
publication_date 2016-03-08T16:54:39
uuid 4eb4e801424a47f7b77434291921f889
sensor_id multi-sensor
platform_id multi-platform
cci_project OZONE