Dataset: ESA Sea Ice Climate Change Initiative (Sea_Ice_cci): Nimbus-5 ESMR Sea Ice Concentration, version 1.0#

Dataset identifier:
Data store: cciodp

How to open this dataset in AVL JupyterLab  

cciodp_store = new_data_store('cciodp')
ds = cciodp_store.open_data('')

Bounding box map#

Bounding box map
Map tiles and data from OpenStreetMap, under the ODbL.

Basic information#

Parameter Value
Bounding box longitude (°) -180.0 to 180.0
Bounding box latitude (°) -90.0 to 90.0
Time range 1972-12-11 to 1977-05-10
Time period 1D

Click here for full dataset metadata.

Variable list#

Click on a variable name to jump to the variable’s full metadata.

Variable Long name Units
Lambert_Azimuthal_Grid [none] [none]
ice_conc fully filtered concentration of sea ice using atmospheric correction of brightness temperatures and open water filters %
raw_ice_conc_values sea ice concentration estimates as retrieved by the algorithm, and that were edited away by the various filters %
total_standard_error total uncertainty (one standard deviation) of concentration of sea ice %
smearing_standard_error smearing uncertainty (one standard deviation) of concentration of sea ice %
algorithm_standard_error algorithm uncertainty (one standard deviation) of concentration of sea ice %
status_flag status flag bit array for sea ice concentration retrievals [none]
Tb_corr corrected brightness temperatures K
Tb (uncorrected) brightness temperatures K

Full variable metadata#


Field Value
grid_mapping_name lambert_azimuthal_equal_area
longitude_of_projection_origin 0
latitude_of_projection_origin 90
semi_major_axis 6378137
semi_minor_axis 6356752.314245
inverse_flattening 298.257223563
proj4_string +proj=laea +lat_0=90 +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +type=crs
orig_data_type int32
fill_value 9223372036854775807
size 1
shape 1
chunk_sizes 1
file_chunk_sizes 1
data_type int64


Field Value
long_name fully filtered concentration of sea ice using atmospheric correction of brightness temperatures and open water filters
standard_name sea_ice_area_fraction
units %
valid_min 0
valid_max 100
grid_mapping Lambert_Azimuthal_Grid
ancillary_variables total_standard_error status_flag
comment this field is the primary sea ice concentration estimate for this climate data record
coordinates lat lon
orig_data_type float64
fill_value None
size 191476224
shape 1026, 432, 432
chunk_sizes 1, 432, 432
file_chunk_sizes 1, 432, 432
data_type float64
dimensions time, yc, xc
file_dimensions time, yc, xc


Field Value
comment this field can be used in combination with \"ice_conc\" to access un-bounded normal distribution of sea ice concentration estimates corresponding to the uncertainty estimate in \"total_standard_error\". It does also feature some amount of un-physical data (below 0 and above 1).
units %
grid_mapping Lambert_Azimuthal_Grid
coordinates lat lon
long_name sea ice concentration estimates as retrieved by the algorithm, and that were edited away by the various filters
orig_data_type float64
fill_value None
size 191476224
shape 1026, 432, 432
chunk_sizes 1, 432, 432
file_chunk_sizes 1, 432, 432
data_type float64
dimensions time, yc, xc
file_dimensions time, yc, xc


Field Value
units %
grid_mapping Lambert_Azimuthal_Grid
coordinates lat lon
long_name total uncertainty (one standard deviation) of concentration of sea ice
standard_name sea_ice_area_fraction standard_error
orig_data_type float64
fill_value None
size 191476224
shape 1026, 432, 432
chunk_sizes 1, 432, 432
file_chunk_sizes 1, 432, 432
data_type float64
dimensions time, yc, xc
file_dimensions time, yc, xc


Field Value
grid_mapping Lambert_Azimuthal_Grid
comment this is one of the two components contributing to 'total_standard_error'
long_name smearing uncertainty (one standard deviation) of concentration of sea ice
units %
coordinates lat lon
orig_data_type float64
fill_value None
size 191476224
shape 1026, 432, 432
chunk_sizes 1, 432, 432
file_chunk_sizes 1, 432, 432
data_type float64
dimensions time, yc, xc
file_dimensions time, yc, xc


Field Value
grid_mapping Lambert_Azimuthal_Grid
comment this is one of the two components contributing to 'total_standard_error'
long_name algorithm uncertainty (one standard deviation) of concentration of sea ice
units %
coordinates lat lon
orig_data_type float64
fill_value None
size 191476224
shape 1026, 432, 432
chunk_sizes 1, 432, 432
file_chunk_sizes 1, 432, 432
data_type float64
dimensions time, yc, xc
file_dimensions time, yc, xc


Field Value
long_name status flag bit array for sea ice concentration retrievals
standard_name sea_ice_area_fraction status_flag
valid_min 1
valid_max 32767
grid_mapping Lambert_Azimuthal_Grid
flag_masks 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128
flag_meanings land lake open_water_filtered land_spill_over high_t2m coast max_ice_climo not_accepted
flag_descriptions all bits to 0 (no flag/flag 0): Nominal retrieval by the SIC algorithm bit 1 (flag 1): Position is over land bit 2 (flag 2): Position is lake bit 3 (flag 4): SIC is set to zero by the open water filter bit 4 (flag 8): SIC value is changed for correcting land spill-over effects bit 5 (flag 16): Handle with caution, the 2m air temperature is high at this position, and this might be false ice bit 6 (flag 32): Coast bit 7 (flag 64): SIC is set to zero since position is outside maximum sea ice climatology bit 8 (flag 128): Point not accepted but no other flags raised.
comment Flag values found in the map might be combinations of those listed above. For example flag value 80 (= 2^4 + 2^6 = 16 + 64) indicates high_t2m AND temporal_interp
coordinates lon lat
orig_data_type int32
fill_value 9223372036854775807
size 191476224
shape 1026, 432, 432
chunk_sizes 1, 432, 432
file_chunk_sizes 1, 432, 432
data_type int64
dimensions time, yc, xc
file_dimensions time, yc, xc


Field Value
long_name corrected brightness temperatures
units K
valid_min 90
valid_max 273.15
grid_mapping Lambert_Azimuthal_Grid
comment these are the corrected brightness temperatures
coordinates lat lon
orig_data_type float64
fill_value None
size 191476224
shape 1026, 432, 432
chunk_sizes 1, 432, 432
file_chunk_sizes 1, 432, 432
data_type float64
dimensions time, yc, xc
file_dimensions time, yc, xc


Field Value
long_name (uncorrected) brightness temperatures
units K
valid_min 90
valid_max 273.15
grid_mapping Lambert_Azimuthal_Grid
comment these are the uncorrected brightness temperatures
coordinates lat lon
orig_data_type float64
fill_value None
size 191476224
shape 1026, 432, 432
chunk_sizes 1, 432, 432
file_chunk_sizes 1, 432, 432
data_type float64
dimensions time, yc, xc
file_dimensions time, yc, xc

Full dataset metadata#

Field Value
description Weather related data.
title ESA Sea Ice Climate Change Initiative (Sea_Ice_cci): Nimbus-5 ESMR Sea Ice Concentration, version 1.0
source ESMR from Nimbus 5,ERA-5 fields from ECMWF
project ESA Climate Change Initiative
history 2022-11-11T16:40:43Z creation
product_version 1-0
institute DTU Space
processing_level L3C
data_type SICONC
sensor_id ESMR-(Nimbus-5)
platform_id Nimbus-5
abstract This dataset provides Sea Ice Concentration (SIC) for the polar regions, derived from the Nimbus-5 Electrical Scanning Microwave Radiometer (ESMR), which operated between 1972 and 1977. It is processed with an algorithm using the single channel ESMR data (19.35 GHz), and has been gridded at 25 km grid spacing. This is the first version of the product, v1.0. This product was generated in the context of the ESA Climate Change Initiative Programme (ESA CCI) by the Sea Ice CCI (Sea_Ice_cci) project.
publication_date 2023-01-17T14:23:14
uuid 34a15b96f1134d9e95b9e486d74e49cf
product_string NIMBUS5_ESMR-EASE2_NH
cci_project SEAICE