Dataset: ESA Sea Level Climate Change Initiative (Sea_Level_cci): Altimeter along-track high resolution sea level anomalies in some coastal regions (2002-2018) from the JASON satellites, v1.1#
Dataset identifier: esacci.SEALEVEL.10-days.L3.SLA.multi-sensor.multi-platform.N_INDIAN.1-1.r1
Data store: cciodp
How to open this dataset in AVL JupyterLab
cciodp_store = new_data_store('cciodp')
ds = cciodp_store.open_data('esacci.SEALEVEL.10-days.L3.SLA.multi-sensor.multi-platform.N_INDIAN.1-1.r1')
Bounding box map#
cciodp_store = new_data_store('cciodp')
ds = cciodp_store.open_data('esacci.SEALEVEL.10-days.L3.SLA.multi-sensor.multi-platform.N_INDIAN.1-1.r1')
Map tiles and data from OpenStreetMap, under the ODbL.
Basic information#
Parameter | Value |
Bounding box longitude (°) | -30.0 to 160.0 |
Bounding box latitude (°) | -45.0 to 60.0 |
Time range | 2002-01-01 to 2019-12-31 |
Time period | 10D |
Click here for full dataset metadata.
Variable list#
Click on a variable name to jump to the variable’s full metadata.
Variable | Long name | Units |
qual_flag | 20Hz SLA quality flag | [none] |
biasJ1J2 | J1 J2 intermission bias | m |
biasJ2J3 | J2 J3 intermission bias | m |
cycle | Cycle number | count |
dist_to_coast_gshhs | Distance to nearest coastline | m |
mdt_cnes_cls_09 | Mean Dynamic Topography | m |
missions_cycles | Original cycle numbers of the concatenated missions | count |
sla | X-TRACK/ALES Sea Level Anomalies | m |
ocean_tide | Global FES14 tide correction | m |
dynamic_atmospheric_correction | Global Dynamic Atmospheric Corrections | m |
mean_sea_surface | X-TRACK/ALES Mean Sea Surface | m |
Full variable metadata#
Field | Value |
_Unsigned | false |
comment | flag if distance to the coast is lower than 4 km |
flag_meanings | good, bad |
flag_values | 0, 1 |
long_name | 20Hz SLA quality flag |
orig_data_type | uint8 |
fill_value | 65535 |
size | 8199 |
shape | 8199 |
chunk_sizes | 8199 |
file_chunk_sizes | 8199 |
data_type | uint16 |
dimensions | nbpoints |
file_dimensions | nbpoints |
Field | Value |
units | m |
long_name | J1 J2 intermission bias |
comment | J1 J2 regional intermission bias - 1°x1° box average. Mean regional value is -0.054 m |
orig_data_type | float64 |
fill_value | 9.969209968386869e+36 |
size | 8199 |
shape | 8199 |
chunk_sizes | 8199 |
file_chunk_sizes | 8199 |
data_type | float64 |
dimensions | nbpoints |
file_dimensions | nbpoints |
Field | Value |
units | m |
long_name | J2 J3 intermission bias |
comment | J2 J3 regional intermission bias - 1°x1° box average. Mean regional value is -0.036 m |
orig_data_type | float64 |
fill_value | 9.969209968386869e+36 |
size | 8199 |
shape | 8199 |
chunk_sizes | 8199 |
file_chunk_sizes | 8199 |
data_type | float64 |
dimensions | nbpoints |
file_dimensions | nbpoints |
Field | Value |
long_name | Cycle number |
cyc_min | 1 |
cyc_max | 603 |
units | count |
orig_data_type | int32 |
fill_value | 9223372036854775807 |
size | 603 |
shape | 603 |
chunk_sizes | 603 |
file_chunk_sizes | 603 |
data_type | int64 |
dimensions | nbcycles |
file_dimensions | nbcycles |
Field | Value |
long_name | Distance to nearest coastline |
actual_range | -269448768.0, 251344672.0 |
units | m |
description | Geodesic distances on WGS-84 |
GMT_version | 4.5.9_r9889 [64-bit] |
add_offset | 0.0 |
scale_factor | -0.01 |
comment | Distance to nearest GSHHS 1.3 coastline in m |
orig_data_type | int32 |
fill_value | -2147483648 |
size | 8199 |
shape | 8199 |
chunk_sizes | 8199 |
file_chunk_sizes | 8199 |
data_type | int32 |
dimensions | nbpoints |
file_dimensions | nbpoints |
Field | Value |
long_name | Mean Dynamic Topography |
units | m |
FileType | GRID_DOTS |
OriginalName | |
CreatedBy | |
CreatedOn | 11-MAR-2010 16:50:55:000000 |
comment | MDT CNES-CLS09 V1.1 |
ctoh_edit_date | 2019-12-19 12:34 |
orig_data_type | float64 |
fill_value | 1.8446744073709552e+19 |
size | 8199 |
shape | 8199 |
chunk_sizes | 8199 |
file_chunk_sizes | 8199 |
data_type | float64 |
dimensions | nbpoints |
file_dimensions | nbpoints |
Field | Value |
long_name | Original cycle numbers of the concatenated missions |
cyc_min | 1 |
cyc_max | 303 |
units | count |
comment | This cycle number is specific to each mission. It is discontinuous on the date of the change of mission. |
orig_data_type | int16 |
fill_value | -99 |
size | 603 |
shape | 603 |
chunk_sizes | 603 |
file_chunk_sizes | 603 |
data_type | int16 |
dimensions | nbcycles |
file_dimensions | nbcycles |
Field | Value |
units | m |
short_name | SLA |
add_offset | 0.0 |
scale_factor | 1.0 |
comment | sla = altitude of satellite - 20 Hz Ku band ALES corrected altimeter range (Passaro et al. 2014) - altimeter ionospheric correction on Ku band (From dual-frequency altimeter range measurements) - model dry tropospheric correction (From ECMWF model) - GPD+ wet tropospheric correction (Fernandes et al. 2015) - sea state bias correction in Ku band (ALES retracking, Passaro et al. 2014) - solid earth tide height (From RADS, tide potential model, Cartwright and Taylor 1971, Cartwright and Eden 1973) - geocentric ocean tide (FES 2014 from RADS, Carrere et al. 2012) - geocentric pole tide height (Wahr 1985) - Atmospheric correction (From RADS, Carrere and Lyard 2003) - X-TRACK mean sea surface (Birol et al. 2017). Each corrective term is edited following Birol et al. 2017. |
long_name | X-TRACK/ALES Sea Level Anomalies |
standard_name | sea_surface_height_above_mean_sea_level |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | 99.9999 |
size | 4943997 |
shape | 8199, 603 |
chunk_sizes | 8199, 603 |
file_chunk_sizes | 8199, 603 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | nbpoints, nbcycles |
file_dimensions | nbpoints, nbcycles |
Field | Value |
units | m |
short_name | Tide |
add_offset | 0.0 |
scale_factor | 1.0 |
long_name | Global FES14 tide correction |
comment | Geocentric ocean tide Includes the corresponding loading tide and equilibrium long-period ocean tide height |
standard_name | sea_surface_height_amplitude_due_to_geocentric_ocean_tide |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | 99.9999 |
size | 4943997 |
shape | 8199, 603 |
chunk_sizes | 8199, 603 |
file_chunk_sizes | 8199, 603 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | nbpoints, nbcycles |
file_dimensions | nbpoints, nbcycles |
Field | Value |
units | m |
long_name | Global Dynamic Atmospheric Corrections |
short_name | DAC |
add_offset | 0.0 |
scale_factor | 1.0 |
comment | Combined low and high frequency effect of atmospheric pressure and wind on sea surface height from MOG2D-G |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | 99.9999 |
size | 4943997 |
shape | 8199, 603 |
chunk_sizes | 8199, 603 |
file_chunk_sizes | 8199, 603 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | nbpoints, nbcycles |
file_dimensions | nbpoints, nbcycles |
Field | Value |
units | m |
short_name | MSSH |
mssh_period | Cycles from 1 to 591 are used for the mssh computation |
add_offset | 0.0 |
scale_factor | 1.0 |
long_name | X-TRACK/ALES Mean Sea Surface |
orig_data_type | float32 |
fill_value | 99.9999 |
size | 8199 |
shape | 8199 |
chunk_sizes | 8199 |
file_chunk_sizes | 8199 |
data_type | float32 |
dimensions | nbpoints |
file_dimensions | nbpoints |
Full dataset metadata#
Field | Value |
title | ESA Sea Level Climate Change Initiative (Sea_Level_cci): Altimeter along-track high resolution sea level anomalies in some coastal regions (2002-2018) from the JASON satellites, v1.1 |
history | 2020-01-13 generated by X-TRACK v.1.03 |
source | Jason-1 GDR-E, Jason-2 GDR-D, Jason-3 GDR-D, RADS 4.0, ALES |
references | |
product_version | 1-1 |
comment | These data were produced at LEGOS as part of the ESA SL_CCI+ project. |
project | Sea Level Climate Change Initiative – European Space Agency |
ecv | SEALEVEL |
processing_level | L3 |
data_type | SLA |
abstract | This dataset contains along-track sea level anomalies derived from satellite altimetry. Altimeter along-track sea level measurements from the Jason-1, Jason -2 and Jason-3 satellite missions have been processed to produce high resolution (20 Hz, corresponding to an along-track distance of ~300m) sea level anomalies, in order to provide long-term homogeneous sea level time series as close to the coast as possible in six different coastal regions (North-East Atlantic, Mediterranean Sea, Western Africa, North Indian Ocean, South-East Asia and Australia). These six time series cover the period from 15 January 2002 to 30 May 2018. The product benefits from the spatial resolution provided by high-rate data, the Adaptive Leading Edge Subwaveform Retracker (ALES) and the post-processing strategy of the along-track (X-TRACK) algorithm, both developed for the processing of coastal altimetry data, as well as the best possible set of geophysical corrections. The main objective of this product is to provide accurate altimeter Sea Level Anomalies (SLA) time series as close to the coast as possible in order to assess whether the coastal sea level trends experienced at the coast are similar to the observed sea level trends in the open ocean and to determine the causes of the potential discrepancies. The product has been developed within the sea level project of the extension phase of the European Space Agency (ESA) Climate Change Initiative (SL_cci+). During the project, the product will be extended in spatial coverage and with additional altimeter missions. This version of the dataset is v1.1. (DOI: 10.5270/esa-sl_cci-xtrack_ales_sla-200206_201805-v1.1-202005) |
publication_date | 2020-10-12T11:18:50 |
uuid | 222cf11f49a94d2da8a6da239df2efc4 |
catalog_url | |
sensor_id | multi-sensor |
platform_id | multi-platform |
product_string | N_INDIAN |
cci_project | SEALEVEL |