Dataset: Monthly averaged sea level anomalies#

Dataset identifier: ESACCI-SEALEVEL-L4-MSLA-MERGED-1993-2015-fv02.zarr
Data store: ccizarr

How to open this dataset in AVL JupyterLab  

ccizarr_store = new_data_store('ccizarr')
ds = ccizarr_store.open_data('ESACCI-SEALEVEL-L4-MSLA-MERGED-1993-2015-fv02.zarr')

Basic information#

Parameter Value
Bounding box longitude (°) 0.0 to 360.0
Bounding box latitude (°) -90.0 to 90.0
Time range 19700101T063555Z to 19700101T064129Z

Click here for full dataset metadata.

Variable list#

Click on a variable name to jump to the variable’s full metadata.

Variable Long name Units
sla Monthly sea level anomalies m

Full variable metadata#


Field Value
long_name Monthly sea level anomalies
standard_name sea_surface_height_above_sea_level
units m

Full dataset metadata#

Field Value
Conventions CF-1.6
cdm_data_type Grid
comment These data were produced at CLS as part of the ESA Sea Level CCI project.
creator_name ESA, CLS
date_created 2016-12-02 00:00:00
geospatial_lat_max 89.875
geospatial_lat_min -89.875
geospatial_lat_resolution 0.25
geospatial_lat_units degrees_north
geospatial_lon_max 359.875
geospatial_lon_min 0.125
geospatial_lon_resolution 0.25
geospatial_lon_units degrees_east
geospatial_vertical_max 0.0
geospatial_vertical_min 0.0
history 2016-12-02 00:00:00 : creation
institution ESA, CLS, CNES
keywords altimetry
keywords_vocabulary NetCDF COARDS Climate and Forecast Standard Names
license ESA CCI Data Policy: free and open access.
naming_authority ESA CCI
platform ERS-1, ERS-2, ENVISAT, TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason-1, Jason-2, GFO, CryoSat-2, SARAL
product_version 2.0
project Climate Change Initiative - European Space Agency
sensor RA, RA2, Poseidon-1, Poseidon-2, Poseidon-3, GFO-RA, SARAL, AltiKa
source ERS-1 Phase C OPR V6, ERS-1 Phase E OPR V3, ERS-1 Phase F OPR V3, ERS-1 Phase G OPR V6, ERS-2 OPR V6, Envisat V2.1, TOPEX/Poseidon MGDR, Jason-1 GDR-C, Jason-2 GDR-D, GFO GDR NOAA, CryoSat-2 CCP CNES, SARAL GDR-T patch 2
standard_name_vocabulary NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Convention Standard Name Table v28
summary This dataset contains Level-4 monthly global sea surface height products from satellite observations
time_coverage_duration P1M
time_coverage_end 19700101T064129Z
time_coverage_resolution P1M
time_coverage_start 19700101T063555Z
title Monthly averaged sea level anomalies