Dataset: ESA CCI Surface Soil Moisture COMBINED active+passive Product#

Dataset identifier: ESACCI-SOILMOISTURE-L3S-SSMV-COMBINED-1978-2020-fv05.3.zarr
Data store: ccizarr

How to open this dataset in AVL JupyterLab  

ccizarr_store = new_data_store('ccizarr')
ds = ccizarr_store.open_data('ESACCI-SOILMOISTURE-L3S-SSMV-COMBINED-1978-2020-fv05.3.zarr')

Bounding box map#

Bounding box map
Map tiles and data from OpenStreetMap, under the ODbL.

Basic information#

Parameter Value
Bounding box longitude (°) -180.0 to 180.0
Bounding box latitude (°) -90.0 to 90.0
Time range 1978-10-31 to 2020-12-31
Time period 1D

Click here for full dataset metadata.

Variable list#

Click on a variable name to jump to the variable’s full metadata.

Variable Long name Units
dnflag Day / Night Flag [none]
flag Flag [none]
freqbandID Frequency Band Identification [none]
mode Satellite Mode [none]
sensor Sensor [none]
sm Volumetric Soil Moisture m3 m-3
sm_uncertainty Volumetric Soil Moisture Uncertainty m3 m-3
t0 Observation Timestamp [none]

Full variable metadata#


Field Value
_CoordinateAxes time lat lon
bit_meanings NaN, day, night
bits 0, 1, 2
dtype int8
flag_meanings NaN, day, night, day_night_combination
flag_values 0, 1, 2, 3
long_name Day / Night Flag
valid_range 0, 3


Field Value
_CoordinateAxes time lat lon
bit_meanings no_data_inconsistency_detected, snow_coverage_or_temperature_below_zero, dense_vegetation, others_no_convergence_in_the_model_thus_no_valid_sm_estimates, soil_moisture_value_exceeds_physical_boundary, weight_of_measurement_below_threshold, all_datasets_deemed_unreliable, NaN
bits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
dtype int8
flag_meanings no_data_inconsistency_detected, dense_vegetation, others_no_convergence_in_the_model_thus_no_valid_sm_estimates, combination_of_flag_values_2_and_4, combination_of_flag_values_1_and_2_and_4_and_8_and_16_and_32_and_64
flag_values 0, 2, 4, 6, 127
long_name Flag
valid_range 0, 127


Field Value
_CoordinateAxes time lat lon
dtype int16
flag_meanings NaN, C66, X107
flag_values 0, 4, 64
long_name Frequency Band Identification
valid_range 0, 511


Field Value
_CoordinateAxes time lat lon
bit_meanings NaN, ascending, descending
bits 0, 1, 2
dtype int8
flag_meanings NaN, ascending, descending, ascending_descending_combination
flag_values 0, 1, 2, 3
long_name Satellite Mode
valid_range 0, 3


Field Value
_CoordinateAxes time lat lon
dtype int16
flag_meanings NaN, SMMR
flag_values 0, 1
long_name Sensor
valid_range 0, 16383


Field Value
_CoordinateAxes time lat lon
dtype float32
long_name Volumetric Soil Moisture
units m3 m-3
valid_range 0.0, 1.0


Field Value
_CoordinateAxes time lat lon
dtype float32
long_name Volumetric Soil Moisture Uncertainty
units m3 m-3
valid_range 0.0, 1.0


Field Value
_CoordinateAxes time lat lon
dtype float64
long_name Observation Timestamp
valid_range 3225.0, 3227.0

Full dataset metadata#

Field Value
Conventions CF-1.7
cdm_data_type Grid
comment This dataset was produced with funding of the ESA CCI+ Soil Moisture project; ESRIN Contract No: 4000126684/19/I-NB
creator_name Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation, Technical University of Vienna
date_created 20210218T230539Z
geospatial_lat_max 90.0
geospatial_lat_min -90.0
geospatial_lat_resolution 0.25 degree
geospatial_lat_units degrees_north
geospatial_lon_max 180.0
geospatial_lon_min -180.0
geospatial_lon_resolution 0.25 degree
geospatial_lon_units degrees_east
geospatial_vertical_max 0.0
geospatial_vertical_min 0.0
history 2021-02-18 23:05:39 - product produced 2021-06-07 16:36:21 - converted by nc2zarr, version 1.1.2.dev0
institution Technical University of Vienna (AUT); VanderSat B.V. Noordwijk (NL)
keywords Soil Moisture/Water Content
keywords_vocabulary NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords
license Data use is free and open for all registered users.
naming_authority TU Wien
platform Nimbus 7, DMSP, TRMM, AQUA, Coriolis, GCOM-W1, MIRAS, SMAP, GPM, FengYun-3B; ERS-1, ERS-2, METOP-A, METOP-B
product_version v05.3
project Climate Change Initiative - European Space Agency
references; Dorigo, W.A., Wagner, W., Albergel, C., Albrecht, F., Balsamo, G., Brocca, L., Chung, D., Ertl, M., Forkel, M., Gruber, A., Haas, E., Hamer, D. P. Hirschi, M., Ikonen, J., De Jeu, R. Kidd, R. Lahoz, W., Liu, Y.Y., Miralles, D., Lecomte, P. (2017) ESA CCI Soil Moisture for improved Earth system understanding: State-of-the art and future directions. In Remote Sensing of Environment, 2017, ISSN 0034-4257,; Gruber, A., Scanlon, T., van der Schalie, R., Wagner, W., Dorigo, W. (2019) Evolution of the ESA CCI Soil Moisture Climate Data Records and their underlying merging methodology. Earth System Science Data 11, 717-739,; Gruber, A., Dorigo, W. A., Crow, W., Wagner W. (2017). Triple Collocation-Based Merging of Satellite Soil Moisture Retrievals. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. PP. 1-13.
source WARP 5.5R1.1/AMI-WS/ERS12 Level 2 Soil Moisture; WARP 5.4R1.0/AMI-WS/ERS2 Level 2 Soil Moisture; H115: Metop ASCAT Surface Soil Moisture Climate Data Record v5 12.5 km sampling, DOI: 10.15770/EUM_SAF_H_0006; H116: Metop ASCAT Surface Soil Moisture Climate Data Record v5 Extension 12.5 km sampling; H115: Metop ASCAT Surface Soil Moisture Climate Data Record v5 12.5 km sampling, DOI: 10.15770/EUM_SAF_H_0006; H116: Metop ASCAT Surface Soil Moisture Climate Data Record v5 Extension 12.5 km sampling;; LPRMv6/SMMR/Nimbus 7 L3 Surface Soil Moisture, Ancillary Params, and quality flags; LPRMv6/SSMI/F08, F11, F13 DMSP L3 Surface Soil Moisture, Ancillary Params, and quality flags; LPRMv6/TMI/TRMM L2 Surface Soil Moisture, Ancillary Params, and QC; LPRMv6/AMSR-E/Aqua L2B Surface Soil Moisture, Ancillary Params, and QC; LPRMv6/WINDSAT/CORIOLIS L2 Surface Soil Moisture, Ancillary Params, and QC; LPRMv6/AMSR2/GCOM-W1 L3 Surface Soil Moisture, Ancillary Params; LPRMv6/SMOS/MIRAS L3 Surface Soil Moisture, CATDS Level 3 Brightness Temperatures (L3TB) version 300 RE03 & RE04; LPRMv6/SMAP_radiometer/SMAP L2 Surface Soil Moisture, Ancillary Params, and QC; LPRMv6/GMI/GPM L3 Surface Soil Moisture, Ancillary Params, and quality flags; LPRMv6/VIRR/FengYun-3B L3 Surface Soil Moisture, Ancillary Params, and quality flags;;
spatial_resolution 25km
standard_name_vocabulary NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Convention
summary This dataset was produced with funding of the ESA CCI+ Soil Moisture project; ESRIN Contract No: 4000126684/19/I-NB
time_coverage_duration P42Y
time_coverage_end 2020-12-31 00:00:00
time_coverage_resolution P1D
time_coverage_start 1978-11-01 00:00:00
title ESA CCI Surface Soil Moisture COMBINED active+passive Product
tracking_id 174f51a4-6a06-4352-a712-4d3f77bd8166