Dataset: Global Ocean - Wind - ERS-1 SCAT - 25km daily Descending V2#
Dataset identifier: KNMI-GLO-WIND_L3-REP-OBS_ERS-1_SCAT_25_DES
Data store: cmems
How to open this dataset in AVL JupyterLab
cmems_store = new_data_store('cmems')
ds = cmems_store.open_data('KNMI-GLO-WIND_L3-REP-OBS_ERS-1_SCAT_25_DES')
Basic information#
Parameter | Value |
Bounding box longitude (°) | 0 to 360 |
Bounding box latitude (°) | -90 to 90 |
Time range | 1992-03-02 to 1996-06-03 |
Click here for full dataset metadata.
Variable list#
Click on a variable name to jump to the variable’s full metadata.
Variable | Long name | Units |
air_density | air density at 10 m | kg m-3 |
bs_distance | backscatter distance | 1 |
eastward_model_stress | model stress u component | N m-2 |
eastward_stress | wind stress u component | N m-2 |
eastward_wind | stress equivalent wind u component at 10 m | m s-1 |
measurement_time | measurement acquisition time | [none] |
model_stress_curl | model rotation of ocean surface stress | N m-3 |
model_stress_divergence | model divergence of ocean surface stress | N m-3 |
model_stress_magnitude | model stress | N m-2 |
model_wind_to_dir | model wind direction at 10 m | degree |
northward_model_stress | model stress v component | N m-2 |
northward_stress | wind stress v component | N m-2 |
northward_wind | stress equivalent wind v component at 10 m | m s-1 |
se_eastward_model_wind | stress equivalent model wind u component at 10 m | m s-1 |
se_model_speed | stress equivalent model wind speed at 10 m | m s-1 |
se_model_wind_curl | model rotation of stress equivalent wind at 10m | s-1 |
se_model_wind_divergence | model divergence of stress equivalent wind at 10m | s-1 |
se_northward_model_wind | stress equivalent model wind v component at 10 m | m s-1 |
stress_curl | rotation of ocean surface stress | N m-3 |
stress_divergence | divergence of ocean surface stress | N m-3 |
wind_curl | rotation of stress equivalent wind at 10m | s-1 |
wind_divergence | divergence of stress equivalent wind at 10m | s-1 |
wind_speed | stress equivalent wind speed at 10 m | m s-1 |
wind_stress_magnitude | wind stress | N m-2 |
wind_to_dir | wind direction at 10 m | degree |
wvc_index | cross track wind vector cell number | 1 |
wvc_quality_flag | wind vector cell quality | [none] |
Full variable metadata#
Field | Value |
valid_min | 0 |
valid_max | 2000 |
standard_name | air_density |
long_name | air density at 10 m |
units | kg m-3 |
air_density_source | ECMWF (ERA5) |
Field | Value |
valid_min | -500 |
valid_max | 500 |
standard_name | backscatter_distance_to_modelfunction |
long_name | backscatter distance |
units | 1 |
Field | Value |
valid_min | -5000 |
valid_max | 5000 |
standard_name | surface_downward_eastward_stress |
long_name | model stress u component |
units | N m-2 |
background_wind_source | ECMWF (ERA5) |
Field | Value |
valid_min | -5000 |
valid_max | 5000 |
standard_name | surface_downward_eastward_stress |
long_name | wind stress u component |
units | N m-2 |
Field | Value |
valid_min | -5000 |
valid_max | 5000 |
standard_name | eastward_wind |
long_name | stress equivalent wind u component at 10 m |
units | m s-1 |
Field | Value |
valid_min | 0 |
valid_max | 2147483647 |
standard_name | time |
long_name | measurement acquisition time |
Field | Value |
valid_min | -500000000 |
valid_max | 500000000 |
standard_name | vertical_component_of_surface_downward_stress_curl |
long_name | model rotation of ocean surface stress |
units | N m-3 |
background_wind_source | ECMWF (ERA5) |
Field | Value |
valid_min | -500000000 |
valid_max | 500000000 |
standard_name | divergence_of_surface_downward_stress |
long_name | model divergence of ocean surface stress |
units | N m-3 |
background_wind_source | ECMWF (ERA5) |
Field | Value |
valid_min | 0 |
valid_max | 5000 |
standard_name | magnitude_of_surface_downward_stress |
long_name | model stress |
units | N m-2 |
background_wind_source | ECMWF (ERA5) |
Field | Value |
valid_min | 0 |
valid_max | 3600 |
standard_name | wind_to_direction |
long_name | model wind direction at 10 m |
units | degree |
background_wind_source | ECMWF (ERA5) |
Field | Value |
valid_min | -5000 |
valid_max | 5000 |
standard_name | surface_downward_northward_stress |
long_name | model stress v component |
units | N m-2 |
background_wind_source | ECMWF (ERA5) |
Field | Value |
valid_min | -5000 |
valid_max | 5000 |
standard_name | surface_downward_northward_stress |
long_name | wind stress v component |
units | N m-2 |
Field | Value |
valid_min | -5000 |
valid_max | 5000 |
standard_name | northward_wind |
long_name | stress equivalent wind v component at 10 m |
units | m s-1 |
Field | Value |
valid_min | -5000 |
valid_max | 5000 |
standard_name | eastward_wind |
long_name | stress equivalent model wind u component at 10 m |
units | m s-1 |
background_wind_source | ECMWF (ERA5) |
Field | Value |
valid_min | 0 |
valid_max | 5000 |
standard_name | wind_speed |
long_name | stress equivalent model wind speed at 10 m |
units | m s-1 |
background_wind_source | ECMWF (ERA5) |
Field | Value |
valid_min | -500000 |
valid_max | 500000 |
standard_name | atmosphere_relative_vorticity |
long_name | model rotation of stress equivalent wind at 10m |
units | s-1 |
background_wind_source | ECMWF (ERA5) |
Field | Value |
valid_min | -500000 |
valid_max | 500000 |
standard_name | divergence_of_wind |
long_name | model divergence of stress equivalent wind at 10m |
units | s-1 |
background_wind_source | ECMWF (ERA5) |
Field | Value |
valid_min | -5000 |
valid_max | 5000 |
standard_name | northward_wind |
long_name | stress equivalent model wind v component at 10 m |
units | m s-1 |
background_wind_source | ECMWF (ERA5) |
Field | Value |
valid_min | -500000000 |
valid_max | 500000000 |
standard_name | vertical_component_of_surface_downward_stress_curl |
long_name | rotation of ocean surface stress |
units | N m-3 |
Field | Value |
valid_min | -500000000 |
valid_max | 500000000 |
standard_name | divergence_of_surface_downward_stress |
long_name | divergence of ocean surface stress |
units | N m-3 |
Field | Value |
valid_min | -500000 |
valid_max | 500000 |
standard_name | atmosphere_relative_vorticity |
long_name | rotation of stress equivalent wind at 10m |
units | s-1 |
Field | Value |
valid_min | -500000 |
valid_max | 500000 |
standard_name | divergence_of_wind |
long_name | divergence of stress equivalent wind at 10m |
units | s-1 |
Field | Value |
valid_min | 0 |
valid_max | 5000 |
standard_name | wind_speed |
long_name | stress equivalent wind speed at 10 m |
units | m s-1 |
Field | Value |
valid_min | 0 |
valid_max | 5000 |
standard_name | magnitude_of_surface_downward_stress |
long_name | wind stress |
units | N m-2 |
Field | Value |
valid_min | 0 |
valid_max | 3600 |
standard_name | wind_to_direction |
long_name | wind direction at 10 m |
units | degree |
Field | Value |
valid_min | 0 |
valid_max | 999 |
standard_name | across_swath_cell_index |
long_name | cross track wind vector cell number |
units | 1 |
Field | Value |
valid_min | 0 |
valid_max | 8388607 |
standard_name | status_flag |
long_name | wind vector cell quality |
flag_masks | 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536, 131072, 262144, 524288, 1048576, 2097152, 4194304 |
flag_meanings | distance_to_gmf_too_large data_are_redundant no_meteorological_background_used rain_detected rain_flag_not_usable small_wind_less_than_or_equal_to_3_m_s large_wind_greater_than_30_m_s wind_inversion_not_successful some_portion_of_wvc_is_over_ice some_portion_of_wvc_is_over_land variational_quality_control_fails knmi_quality_control_fails product_monitoring_event_flag product_monitoring_not_used any_beam_noise_content_above_threshold poor_azimuth_diversity not_enough_good_sigma0_for_wind_retrieval |
Full dataset metadata#
Field | Value |
title | Global Ocean - Wind - ERS-1 SCAT - 25km daily Descending V2 |
title_short_name | SCATT-L3-25km |
Conventions | CF-1.6 |
institution | EUMETSAT/OSI SAF/KNMI |
source | ERS-1 SCAT |
software_identification_level_1 | 0 |
instrument_calibration_version | 0 |
software_identification_wind | 3001 |
pixel_size_on_horizontal | 25.0 km |
service_type | N/A |
processing_type | O |
contents | ovw |
granule_name | |
processing_level | L3 |
orbit_number | 25528 |
start_date | 1996-06-03 |
start_time | 00:00:03 |
stop_date | 1996-06-03 |
stop_time | 00:22:08 |
equator_crossing_longitude | |
equator_crossing_date | |
equator_crossing_time | |
rev_orbit_period | |
orbit_inclination | |
history | N/A |
references | ERS Scatterometer Product User Manual,, |
comment | Orbit period and inclination are constant values. All wind directions in oceanographic convention (0 deg. flowing North) |
creation_date | 2020-05-13 |
creation_time | 13:10:47 |