Dataset: Arctic Ice Concentration, L4 OSISAF, 10km daily (METNO-GLO-SEAICE_CONC-NORTH-L4-NRT-OBS)#
Data store: cmems
How to open this dataset in AVL JupyterLab
cmems_store = new_data_store('cmems')
ds = cmems_store.open_data('METNO-GLO-SEAICE_CONC-NORTH-L4-NRT-OBS')
Basic information#
cmems_store = new_data_store('cmems')
ds = cmems_store.open_data('METNO-GLO-SEAICE_CONC-NORTH-L4-NRT-OBS')
Parameter | Value |
Bounding box longitude (°) | -3850 to 3750 |
Bounding box latitude (°) | -5350 to 5850 |
Time range | 2018-01-01 to 2023-04-14 |
Click here for full dataset metadata.
Variable list#
Click on a variable name to jump to the variable’s full metadata.
Variable | Long name | Units |
Polar_Stereographic_Grid | [none] | [none] |
algorithm_uncertainty | The sea ice concentration algorithm and tie-point uncertainty on the northern hemisphere | 1 |
confidence_level | confidence level | [none] |
ice_conc | The filtered sea ice concentration on the northern hemisphere | % |
ice_conc_unfiltered | The unfiltered sea ice concentration on the northern hemisphere | % |
masks | masks used to filter ice concentration | 1 |
smearing_uncertainty | The sea ice concentration smearing uncertainty on the northern hemisphere | 1 |
status_flag | status flag for concentration of sea ice retrieval | 1 |
total_uncertainty | The sea ice concentration uncertainty on the northern hemisphere | 1 |
Full variable metadata#
Field | Value |
grid_mapping_name | polar_stereographic |
false_easting | 0.0 |
false_northing | 0.0 |
semi_major_axis | 6378273.0 |
semi_minor_axis | 6356889.44891 |
straight_vertical_longitude_from_pole | -45.0 |
latitude_of_projection_origin | 90.0 |
standard_parallel | 70.0 |
proj4_string | +proj=stere +a=6378273 +b=6356889.44891 +lat_0=90 +lat_ts=70 +lon_0=-45 |
Field | Value |
least_significant_digit | 3 |
units | 1 |
long_name | The sea ice concentration algorithm and tie-point uncertainty on the northern hemisphere |
grid_mapping | Polar_Stereographic_Grid |
Field | Value |
long_name | confidence level |
valid_min | 0 |
valid_max | 5 |
grid_mapping | Polar_Stereographic_Grid |
flag_values | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |
flag_meanings | unprocessed erroneous unreliable acceptable good excellent |
flag_descriptions | 0 -> not processed, no input data 1 -> computation failed 2 -> processed but to be used with care 3 -> nominal processing, acceptable quality 4 -> nominal processing, good quality 5 -> nominal processing, excellent quality |
Field | Value |
long_name | The filtered sea ice concentration on the northern hemisphere |
comment | This field contains the ice concentration from field ice_conc_unfiltered, which has been filtered to remove spurious ice. Note, this removes some amounts of valid ice at the ice edge. |
standard_name | sea_ice_area_fraction |
units | % |
valid_min | 0 |
valid_max | 10000 |
grid_mapping | Polar_Stereographic_Grid |
Field | Value |
long_name | The unfiltered sea ice concentration on the northern hemisphere |
comment | This field contains the unfiltered ice concentration. A climatology mask has been applied to remove spurious ice, but no other filtering is applied. This field may contain spurious ice. If a filtered field is required, use the \"ice_conc\" field. |
standard_name | sea_ice_area_fraction |
units | % |
valid_min | 0 |
valid_max | 10000 |
grid_mapping | Polar_Stereographic_Grid |
Field | Value |
long_name | masks used to filter ice concentration |
comment | This bitmask gives the masks which have been applied to convert the ice_conc_unfiltered variable to the ice_conc variable. |
flag_masks | 1, 2, 4 |
valid_range | 0, 7 |
flag_meanings | max_ice_climato open_water_filtered high_t2m |
units | 1 |
flag_descriptions | all bits to 0 -> no masks set bit 1 -> mask for sea ice maximum climatology set bit 2 -> open water filter mask set bit 3 -> NWP 2m air temperature mask set |
grid_mapping | Polar_Stereographic_Grid |
Field | Value |
least_significant_digit | 3 |
units | 1 |
long_name | The sea ice concentration smearing uncertainty on the northern hemisphere |
grid_mapping | Polar_Stereographic_Grid |
Field | Value |
units | 1 |
long_name | status flag for concentration of sea ice retrieval |
standard_name | sea_ice_area_fraction status_flag |
valid_min | 0 |
valid_max | 102 |
grid_mapping | Polar_Stereographic_Grid |
flag_values | 0, 2, 10, 11, 12, 100, 101, 102 |
flag_meanings | nominal lake background coastal_correction open_water_filter land missing unclassified |
flag_descriptions | 0 -> nominal value from algorithm used 2 -> sea ice algorithm applied over lake 10 -> maximum climatology test applied 11 -> coastal correction algorithm applied 12 -> open water filter applied 100 -> missing value due to over land 101 -> missing value due to missing data 102 -> unclassified pixel |
comment | This file contains two ice concentration variables: \"ice_conc\" and \"ice_conc_unfiltered\". These flags relate to the \"ice_conc\" variable. |
Field | Value |
least_significant_digit | 3 |
units | 1 |
long_name | The sea ice concentration uncertainty on the northern hemisphere |
grid_mapping | Polar_Stereographic_Grid |
Full dataset metadata#
Field | Value |
title | Arctic Ice Concentration, L4 OSISAF, 10km daily (METNO-GLO-SEAICE_CONC-NORTH-L4-NRT-OBS) |
product_id | OSI-401 |
product_name | osi_saf_ice_conc |
product_status | operational |
abstract | The daily analysis of sea ice concentration is obtained from operation satellite images of the polar regions. It is based on atmospherically corrected signal and a carefully selected sea ice concentration algorithm. This product is freely available from the EUMETSAT Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility (OSI SAF). |
topiccategory | Oceans Climatology Meteorology Atmosphere |
keywords | Sea Ice Concentration, Sea Ice, Oceanography, Meteorology, Climate, Remote Sensing |
gcmd_keywords | Cryosphere > Sea Ice > Sea Ice Concentration Oceans > Sea Ice > Sea Ice Concentration Geographic Region > Northern Hemisphere Vertical Location > Sea Surface EUMETSAT/OSISAF > Satellite Application Facility on Ocean and Sea Ice, European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites |
activity_type | Space borne instrument |
easternmost_longitude | 180.0 |
westernmost_longitude | -180.0 |
northernmost_latitude | 90.0 |
southernmost_latitude | 30.98056 |
area | Northern Hemisphere |
instrument_type | Multi-sensor analysis |
platform_name | Multi-sensor analysis |
start_date | 2023-04-14 00:00:00 |
stop_date | 2023-04-15 00:00:00 |
project_name | EUMETSAT OSI SAF |
institution | EUMETSAT OSI SAF |
PI_name | Rasmus Tonboe |
contact | |
distribution_statement | Free |
copyright_statement | Copyright 2023 EUMETSAT |
references | Product User Manual for OSI SAF Global Sea Ice Concentration, Rasmus Tonboe et al. (editor) v1.4, May 2017 |
history | 2023-04-15 creation |
product_version | 4.0 |
software_version | 1.3 |
netcdf_version | 3.6.3 |
Conventions | CF-1.6 |