Dataset: Antarctic Ice Concentration, L4 OSISAF, 10km daily (METNO-GLO-SEAICE_CONC-SOUTH-L4-NRT-OBS)#

Data store: cmems

How to open this dataset in AVL JupyterLab  

cmems_store = new_data_store('cmems')
ds = cmems_store.open_data('METNO-GLO-SEAICE_CONC-SOUTH-L4-NRT-OBS')

Basic information#

Parameter Value
Bounding box longitude (°) -3950 to 3950
Bounding box latitude (°) -3950 to 4350
Time range 2018-01-01 to 2023-04-14

Click here for full dataset metadata.

Variable list#

Click on a variable name to jump to the variable’s full metadata.

Variable Long name Units
Polar_Stereographic_Grid [none] [none]
algorithm_uncertainty The sea ice concentration algorithm and tie-point uncertainty on the southern hemisphere 1
confidence_level confidence level [none]
ice_conc The filtered sea ice concentration on the southern hemisphere %
ice_conc_unfiltered The unfiltered sea ice concentration on the southern hemisphere %
masks masks used to filter ice concentration 1
smearing_uncertainty The sea ice concentration smearing uncertainty on the southern hemisphere 1
status_flag status flag for concentration of sea ice retrieval 1
total_uncertainty The sea ice concentration uncertainty on the southern hemisphere 1

Full variable metadata#


Field Value
grid_mapping_name polar_stereographic
false_easting 0.0
false_northing 0.0
semi_major_axis 6378273.0
semi_minor_axis 6356889.44891
straight_vertical_longitude_from_pole 0.0
latitude_of_projection_origin -90.0
standard_parallel -70.0
proj4_string +proj=stere +a=6378273 +b=6356889.44891 +lat_0=-90 +lat_ts=-70 +lon_0=0


Field Value
least_significant_digit 3
units 1
long_name The sea ice concentration algorithm and tie-point uncertainty on the southern hemisphere
grid_mapping Polar_Stereographic_Grid


Field Value
long_name confidence level
valid_min 0
valid_max 5
grid_mapping Polar_Stereographic_Grid
flag_values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
flag_meanings unprocessed erroneous unreliable acceptable good excellent
flag_descriptions 0 -> not processed, no input data 1 -> computation failed 2 -> processed but to be used with care 3 -> nominal processing, acceptable quality 4 -> nominal processing, good quality 5 -> nominal processing, excellent quality


Field Value
long_name The filtered sea ice concentration on the southern hemisphere
comment This field contains the ice concentration from field ice_conc_unfiltered, which has been filtered to remove spurious ice. Note, this removes some amounts of valid ice at the ice edge.
standard_name sea_ice_area_fraction
units %
valid_min 0
valid_max 10000
grid_mapping Polar_Stereographic_Grid


Field Value
long_name The unfiltered sea ice concentration on the southern hemisphere
comment This field contains the unfiltered ice concentration. A climatology mask has been applied to remove spurious ice, but no other filtering is applied. This field may contain spurious ice. If a filtered field is required, use the \"ice_conc\" field.
standard_name sea_ice_area_fraction
units %
valid_min 0
valid_max 10000
grid_mapping Polar_Stereographic_Grid


Field Value
long_name masks used to filter ice concentration
comment This bitmask gives the masks which have been applied to convert the ice_conc_unfiltered variable to the ice_conc variable.
flag_masks 1, 2, 4
valid_range 0, 7
flag_meanings max_ice_climato open_water_filtered high_t2m
units 1
flag_descriptions all bits to 0 -> no masks set bit 1 -> mask for sea ice maximum climatology set bit 2 -> open water filter mask set bit 3 -> NWP 2m air temperature mask set
grid_mapping Polar_Stereographic_Grid


Field Value
least_significant_digit 3
units 1
long_name The sea ice concentration smearing uncertainty on the southern hemisphere
grid_mapping Polar_Stereographic_Grid


Field Value
units 1
long_name status flag for concentration of sea ice retrieval
standard_name sea_ice_area_fraction status_flag
valid_min 0
valid_max 102
grid_mapping Polar_Stereographic_Grid
flag_values 0, 2, 10, 11, 12, 100, 101, 102
flag_meanings nominal lake background coastal_correction open_water_filter land missing unclassified
flag_descriptions 0 -> nominal value from algorithm used 2 -> sea ice algorithm applied over lake 10 -> maximum climatology test applied 11 -> coastal correction algorithm applied 12 -> open water filter applied 100 -> missing value due to over land 101 -> missing value due to missing data 102 -> unclassified pixel
comment This file contains two ice concentration variables: \"ice_conc\" and \"ice_conc_unfiltered\". These flags relate to the \"ice_conc\" variable.


Field Value
least_significant_digit 3
units 1
long_name The sea ice concentration uncertainty on the southern hemisphere
grid_mapping Polar_Stereographic_Grid

Full dataset metadata#

Field Value
title Antarctic Ice Concentration, L4 OSISAF, 10km daily (METNO-GLO-SEAICE_CONC-SOUTH-L4-NRT-OBS)
product_id OSI-401
product_name osi_saf_ice_conc
product_status operational
abstract The daily analysis of sea ice concentration is obtained from operation satellite images of the polar regions. It is based on atmospherically corrected signal and a carefully selected sea ice concentration algorithm. This product is freely available from the EUMETSAT Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility (OSI SAF).
topiccategory Oceans Climatology Meteorology Atmosphere
keywords Sea Ice Concentration, Sea Ice, Oceanography, Meteorology, Climate, Remote Sensing
gcmd_keywords Cryosphere > Sea Ice > Sea Ice Concentration Oceans > Sea Ice > Sea Ice Concentration Geographic Region > Southern Hemisphere Vertical Location > Sea Surface EUMETSAT/OSISAF > Satellite Application Facility on Ocean and Sea Ice, European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites
activity_type Space borne instrument
easternmost_longitude 180.0
westernmost_longitude -180.0
northernmost_latitude -39.23089
southernmost_latitude -90.0
area Southern Hemisphere
instrument_type Multi-sensor analysis
platform_name Multi-sensor analysis
start_date 2023-04-14 00:00:00
stop_date 2023-04-15 00:00:00
project_name EUMETSAT OSI SAF
institution EUMETSAT OSI SAF
PI_name Rasmus Tonboe
distribution_statement Free
copyright_statement Copyright 2023 EUMETSAT
references Product User Manual for OSI SAF Global Sea Ice Concentration, Rasmus Tonboe et al. (editor) v1.4, May 2017
history 2023-04-15 creation
product_version 4.0
software_version 1.3
netcdf_version 3.6.3
Conventions CF-1.6