Dataset: c3s_obs-oc_glo_bgc-reflectance_my_l3-multi-4km_P1D#

Dataset identifier: c3s_obs-oc_glo_bgc-reflectance_my_l3-multi-4km_P1D
Data store: cmems

How to open this dataset in AVL JupyterLab  

cmems_store = new_data_store('cmems')
ds = cmems_store.open_data('c3s_obs-oc_glo_bgc-reflectance_my_l3-multi-4km_P1D')

Bounding box map#

Bounding box map
Map tiles and data from OpenStreetMap, under the ODbL.

Basic information#

Parameter Value
Bounding box longitude (°) -180 to 180
Bounding box latitude (°) -90 to 90
Time range 1997-09-04 to 2023-03-06

Click here for full dataset metadata.

Variable list#

Click on a variable name to jump to the variable’s full metadata.

Variable Long name Units
RRS412 Sea surface reflectance defined as the ratio of water-leaving radiance to surface irradiance at 412 nm. sr-1
RRS443 Sea surface reflectance defined as the ratio of water-leaving radiance to surface irradiance at 443 nm. sr-1
RRS490 Sea surface reflectance defined as the ratio of water-leaving radiance to surface irradiance at 490 nm. sr-1
RRS510 Sea surface reflectance defined as the ratio of water-leaving radiance to surface irradiance at 510 nm. sr-1
RRS560 Sea surface reflectance defined as the ratio of water-leaving radiance to surface irradiance at 560 nm. sr-1
RRS665 Sea surface reflectance defined as the ratio of water-leaving radiance to surface irradiance at 665 nm. sr-1

Full variable metadata#


Field Value
long_name Sea surface reflectance defined as the ratio of water-leaving radiance to surface irradiance at 412 nm.
units sr-1
standard_name surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air
units_nonstandard sr^-1
type surface
source Sentinel-3a,Sentinel-3b-OLCIa,OLCIb-L3
valid_max 0.051
valid_min 0.0


Field Value
long_name Sea surface reflectance defined as the ratio of water-leaving radiance to surface irradiance at 443 nm.
units sr-1
standard_name surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air
units_nonstandard sr^-1
type surface
source Sentinel-3a,Sentinel-3b-OLCIa,OLCIb-L3
valid_max 0.051
valid_min 0.0


Field Value
long_name Sea surface reflectance defined as the ratio of water-leaving radiance to surface irradiance at 490 nm.
units sr-1
standard_name surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air
units_nonstandard sr^-1
type surface
source Sentinel-3a,Sentinel-3b-OLCIa,OLCIb-L3
valid_max 0.051
valid_min 0.0


Field Value
long_name Sea surface reflectance defined as the ratio of water-leaving radiance to surface irradiance at 510 nm.
units sr-1
standard_name surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air
units_nonstandard sr^-1
type surface
source Sentinel-3a,Sentinel-3b-OLCIa,OLCIb-L3
valid_max 0.051
valid_min 0.0


Field Value
long_name Sea surface reflectance defined as the ratio of water-leaving radiance to surface irradiance at 560 nm.
units sr-1
standard_name surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air
units_nonstandard sr^-1
type surface
source Sentinel-3a,Sentinel-3b-OLCIa,OLCIb-L3
valid_max 0.051
valid_min 0.0


Field Value
long_name Sea surface reflectance defined as the ratio of water-leaving radiance to surface irradiance at 665 nm.
units sr-1
standard_name surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air
units_nonstandard sr^-1
type surface
source Sentinel-3a,Sentinel-3b-OLCIa,OLCIb-L3
valid_max 0.051
valid_min 0.0

Full dataset metadata#

Field Value
contact email:
Naming_authority CMEMS
start_time 00:00:00 UTC
stop_time 23:59:00 UTC
Conventions CF-1.7
Metadata_Conventions Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0
netcdf_file_type NETCDF4_CLASSIC
Netcdf_version_id V4
project Copernicus Marine (CMEMS)
institution Plymouth Marine Laboratory, operating as a production unit within the CMEMS OCTAC
distribution_statement Copernicus Marine data license (see website)
cmems_production_unit OC-PML-PLYMOUTH-UK
citation The licensees should respect the Copernicus Marine usage agreement ( by crediting Copernicus in a manner similar to: <Generated using E.U. Copernicus Marine Service Information, provided by OCTAC/PML production centre>
file_quality_index 0s
product_version v5
grid_mapping Equirectangular
software_version 7.5
summary Data products generated by the Ocean Colour component of the European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative project. These files are daily composites of merged sensor (MERIS, MODIS Aqua, SeaWiFS LAC & GAC, VIIRS, OLCI) products. MODIS Aqua and SeaWiFS were band-shifted and bias-corrected to MERIS bands and values using a temporally and spatially varying scheme based on the overlap years of 2003-2007. VIIRS was band-shifted and bias-corrected in a second stage against the MODIS Rrs that had already been corrected to MERIS levels, for the overlap period 2012-2013; and at the third stage OLCI was bias corrected against already corrected MODIS, for overlap period 2016-07-01 to 2019-06-30. VIIRS, MODIS, SeaWiFS and MERIS Rrs were derived from a combination of NASA's l2gen (for basic sensor geometry corrections, etc) and HYGEOS Polymer v4.12 (for atmospheric correction). OLCI Rrs were sourced at L1b (already geometrically corrected) and processed with polymer. The Rrs were binned to a sinusoidal 4km level-3 grid, and later to 4km geographic projection, by Brockmann Consult's SNAP. Derived products were generally computed with the standard algorithmsthrough SeaDAS. QAA IOPs were derived using the standard SeaDAS algorithm but with a modified backscattering table to match that used in the bandshifting. The final chlorophyll is a combination of OCI, OCI2, OC2 and OCx, depending on the water class memberships. Uncertainty estimates were added using the fuzzy water classifier and uncertainty estimation algorithm of Tim Moore as documented in Jackson et al (2017). and updated accorsing to Jackson et al. (in prep).
keywords satellite,observation,ocean,ocean colour
platform Sentinel-3a,Sentinel-3b
start_date 2023-03-06
stop_date 2023-03-06
northernmost_latitude 90
southernmost_latitude -90
easternmost_longitude 180
westernmost_longitude -180
grid_resolution 4KM
product_level l3
sensor ESA Ocean Colour Climate Initiative v6
cmems_product_id OCEANCOLOUR_GLO_BGC_L3_MY_009_107
title c3s_obs-oc_glo_bgc-reflectance_my_l3-multi-4km_P1D
parameter_code RRS412 RRS443 RRS490 RRS510 RRS560 RRS665
parameter Sea surface reflectance defined as the ratio of water-leaving radiance to surface irradiance at various depths
site_name GLO
creation_date 2023-03-23
Creation_time 13:46:01 UTC