Dataset: Arctic Ocean Physics Analysis, 12.5km monthly mean#

Dataset identifier: cmems_mod_arc_phy_anfc_topaz4_P1M-m
Data store: cmems

How to open this dataset in AVL JupyterLab  

cmems_store = new_data_store('cmems')
ds = cmems_store.open_data('cmems_mod_arc_phy_anfc_topaz4_P1M-m')

Bounding box map#

Bounding box map
Map tiles and data from OpenStreetMap, under the ODbL.

Basic information#

Parameter Value
Bounding box longitude (°) -38.0625 to 38.0625
Bounding box latitude (°) -55.0625 to 55.0625
Time range 2018-01-16 to 2023-03-16

Click here for full dataset metadata.

Variable list#

Click on a variable name to jump to the variable’s full metadata.

Variable Long name Units
albedo [none] 1
bsfd [none] m3 s-1
btemp Sea floor potential temperature Celsius
fice [none] 1
fy_age age_of_first_year_ice day
fy_frac fraction_of_first_year_ice 1
hice [none] m
hsnow [none] m
mlp [none] m
model_depth [none] meter
salinity [none] 1e-3
ssh [none] m
stereographic [none] [none]
temperature [none] Celsius
u [none] m s-1
uice [none] m s-1
v [none] m s-1
vice [none] m s-1

Full variable metadata#


Field Value
units 1
standard_name sea_ice_albedo
grid_mapping stereographic
cell_methods area: mean time: mean


Field Value
units m3 s-1
standard_name ocean_barotropic_streamfunction
grid_mapping stereographic
cell_methods area: mean time: mean


Field Value
units Celsius
standard_name sea_water_potential_temperature_at_sea_floor
long_name Sea floor potential temperature
grid_mapping stereographic
cell_methods area: mean time: mean


Field Value
units 1
standard_name sea_ice_area_fraction
grid_mapping stereographic
cell_methods area: mean time: mean


Field Value
units day
long_name age_of_first_year_ice
grid_mapping stereographic
cell_methods area: mean time: mean


Field Value
units 1
long_name fraction_of_first_year_ice
grid_mapping stereographic
cell_methods area: mean time: mean


Field Value
units m
standard_name sea_ice_thickness
grid_mapping stereographic
cell_methods area: mean where sea_ice time: mean


Field Value
units m
standard_name surface_snow_thickness
grid_mapping stereographic
cell_methods area: mean where sea_ice time: mean


Field Value
units m
standard_name ocean_mixed_layer_thickness
grid_mapping stereographic
cell_methods area: mean time: mean


Field Value
units meter
standard_name sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level
grid_mapping stereographic
cell_methods area: mean


Field Value
units 1e-3
standard_name sea_water_salinity
grid_mapping stereographic
cell_methods area: mean time: mean


Field Value
units m
standard_name sea_surface_elevation
grid_mapping stereographic
cell_methods area: mean time: mean


Field Value
grid_mapping_name polar_stereographic
latitude_of_projection_origin 90.0
longitude_of_projection_origin -45.0
scale_factor_at_projection_origin 1.0
straight_vertical_longitude_from_pole -45.0
false_easting 0.0
false_northing 0.0


Field Value
units Celsius
standard_name sea_water_potential_temperature
grid_mapping stereographic
cell_methods area: mean time: mean


Field Value
units m s-1
standard_name x_sea_water_velocity
grid_mapping stereographic
cell_methods area: mean time: mean


Field Value
units m s-1
standard_name sea_ice_x_velocity
grid_mapping stereographic
cell_methods area: mean where sea_ice time: mean


Field Value
units m s-1
standard_name y_sea_water_velocity
grid_mapping stereographic
cell_methods area: mean time: mean


Field Value
units m s-1
standard_name sea_ice_y_velocity
grid_mapping stereographic
cell_methods area: mean where sea_ice time: mean

Full dataset metadata#

Field Value
institution MET Norway, Henrik Mohns plass 1, N-0313 Oslo, Norway
source NERSC-HYCOM model fields
Conventions CF-1.4
title Arctic Ocean Physics Analysis, 12.5km monthly mean
history 20230406:Created by program hyc2proj, version V0.3 2023-04-07: Values are averaged from the daily mean over one calendar month
field_date 2023-03-16T12:00:00