Dataset: Dissolved Inorganic Carbon, Alkalinity, pH (3D) - Monthly Mean#

Dataset identifier: cmems_mod_blk_bgc-car_anfc_3km_P1M-m
Data store: cmems

How to open this dataset in AVL JupyterLab  

cmems_store = new_data_store('cmems')
ds = cmems_store.open_data('cmems_mod_blk_bgc-car_anfc_3km_P1M-m')

Bounding box map#

Bounding box map
Map tiles and data from OpenStreetMap, under the ODbL.

Basic information#

Parameter Value
Bounding box longitude (°) 27.3514823392334 to 41.98111157861328
Bounding box latitude (°) 40.846111235351565 to 46.818332734375
Time range 2020-11-15 to 2023-03-15

Click here for full dataset metadata.

Variable list#

Click on a variable name to jump to the variable’s full metadata.

Variable Long name Units
dissic Mole concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon expressed as carbon in sea water mol m-3
ph pH 1
talk Sea water alkalinity expressed as mole equivalent mol m-3

Full variable metadata#


Field Value
units mol m-3
long_name Mole concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon expressed as carbon in sea water
standard_name mole_concentration_of_dissolved_inorganic_carbon_in_sea_water
info In order to calculate DIC in [micro mol / kg of seawater], dissic has to be multiplied by (1.e6 / seawater density [kg/m3])


Field Value
units 1
long_name pH
standard_name sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale
valid_min 0.0
info pH reported on total scale at in situ Temp and Press conditions
valid_max 14.0


Field Value
units mol m-3
long_name Sea water alkalinity expressed as mole equivalent
standard_name sea_water_alkalinity_expressed_as_mole_equivalent

Full dataset metadata#

Field Value
Conventions CF-1.0
bulletin_date 20230307
references Please check in CMEMS catalogue the INFO section for product BLK_ANALYSISFORECAST_BGC_007_010 -
HPC_facility nic5 @ ULiege/CECI
bulletin_type analysis
institution MAST, ULiege (Universite de Liege), Belgium
comment Please check in CMEMS catalogue the INFO section for product BLK_ANALYSISFORECAST_BGC_007_010 -
field_type monthly_mean_centered_at_time_field
title Dissolved Inorganic Carbon, Alkalinity, pH (3D) - Monthly Mean