Dataset: cmems_obs-oc_bal_bgc-plankton_nrt_l3-olci-300m_P1D#

Dataset identifier: cmems_obs-oc_bal_bgc-plankton_nrt_l3-olci-300m_P1D
Data store: cmems

How to open this dataset in AVL JupyterLab  

cmems_store = new_data_store('cmems')
ds = cmems_store.open_data('cmems_obs-oc_bal_bgc-plankton_nrt_l3-olci-300m_P1D')

Bounding box map#

Bounding box map
Map tiles and data from OpenStreetMap, under the ODbL.

Basic information#

Parameter Value
Bounding box longitude (°) 9.250000472668457 to 30.25000048100586
Bounding box latitude (°) 53.24999808813477 to 65.8500042006836
Time range 2023-04-08 to 2023-04-14
Time period 1D

Click here for full dataset metadata.

Variable list#

Click on a variable name to jump to the variable’s full metadata.

Variable Long name Units
CHL Chlorophyll a concentration milligram m^-3
CRYPTO Concentration Of Cryptophyte expressed as chlorophyll-a concentration milligram m^-3
DIATO Concentration Of Diatom expressed as chlorophyll-a concentration milligram m^-3
DINO Concentration Of Dinophyte expressed as chlorophyll-a concentration milligram m^-3
GREEN Concentration Of Green algae and Prochlorophyte expressed as chlorophyll-a concentration milligram m^-3
MICRO Concentration Of Microphytoplankton expressed as chlorophyll-a concentration milligram m^-3
NANO Concentration Of Nanophytoplankton expressed as chlorophyll-a concentration milligram m^-3
PICO Concentration Of Picophytoplankton expressed as chlorophyll-a concentration milligram m^-3
PROKAR Concentration Of Prokaryote expressed as chlorophyll-a concentration milligram m^-3
QI_CHL Quality Index for OLCI Chlorophyll a concentration 1
SENSORMASK Sensor Mask 1

Full variable metadata#


Field Value
coordinates lat long
long_name Chlorophyll a concentration
standard_name mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water
type surface
units milligram m^-3
source OLCI - POLYMER v.4.14 Atmospheric Correction Processor - BAL MLP Ensemble
comment Brando VE, Sammartino M, Colella S, Bracaglia M, Di Cicco A, D’Alimonte D, Kajiyama T, Kaitala S and Attila J (2021). Phytoplankton Bloom Dynamics in the Baltic Sea Using a Consistently Reprocessed Time Series of Multi-Sensor Reflectance and Novel Chlorophyll-a Retrievals. Remote Sens. 13:3071. doi: 10.3390/rs13163071
valid_min 0.01
valid_max 300.0


Field Value
coordinates lat long
long_name Concentration Of Cryptophyte expressed as chlorophyll-a concentration
standard_name mass_concentration_of_cryptophytes_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water
type surface
units milligram m^-3
source OLCI - POLYMER v.4.14 Atmospheric Correction Processor - BAL MLP Ensemble
comment Derived from chl as in Brando et al. (2021). Chl validity range: 0.13-25.5 mg m-3
valid_min 0.01
valid_max 100.0


Field Value
coordinates lat long
long_name Concentration Of Diatom expressed as chlorophyll-a concentration
standard_name mass_concentration_of_diatoms_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water
type surface
units milligram m^-3
source OLCI - POLYMER v.4.14 Atmospheric Correction Processor - BAL MLP Ensemble
comment Derived from chl as in Brando et al. (2021). Chl validity range: 0.13-25.5 mg m-3
valid_min 0.01
valid_max 100.0


Field Value
coordinates lat long
long_name Concentration Of Dinophyte expressed as chlorophyll-a concentration
standard_name mass_concentration_of_dinophytes_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water
type surface
units milligram m^-3
source OLCI - POLYMER v.4.14 Atmospheric Correction Processor - BAL MLP Ensemble
comment Derived from chl as in Brando et al. (2021). Chl validity range: 0.13-25.5 mg m-3
valid_min 0.01
valid_max 100.0


Field Value
coordinates lat long
long_name Concentration Of Green algae and Prochlorophyte expressed as chlorophyll-a concentration
standard_name mass_concentration_of_greenalgae_and_prochlorophytes_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water
type surface
units milligram m^-3
source OLCI - POLYMER v.4.14 Atmospheric Correction Processor - BAL MLP Ensemble
comment Derived from chl as in Brando et al. (2021). Chl validity range: 0.13-25.5 mg m-3
valid_min 0.01
valid_max 100.0


Field Value
coordinates lat long
long_name Concentration Of Microphytoplankton expressed as chlorophyll-a concentration
standard_name mass_concentration_of_microphytoplankton_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water
type surface
units milligram m^-3
source OLCI - POLYMER v.4.14 Atmospheric Correction Processor - BAL MLP Ensemble
comment Derived from chl as in Brando et al. (2021). Chl validity range: 0.13-25.5 mg m-3
valid_min 0.01
valid_max 100.0


Field Value
coordinates lat long
long_name Concentration Of Nanophytoplankton expressed as chlorophyll-a concentration
standard_name mass_concentration_of_nanophytoplankton_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water
type surface
units milligram m^-3
source OLCI - POLYMER v.4.14 Atmospheric Correction Processor - BAL MLP Ensemble
comment Derived from chl as in Brando et al. (2021). Chl validity range: 0.13-25.5 mg m-3
valid_min 0.01
valid_max 100.0


Field Value
coordinates lat long
long_name Concentration Of Picophytoplankton expressed as chlorophyll-a concentration
standard_name mass_concentration_of_picophytoplankton_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water
type surface
units milligram m^-3
source OLCI - POLYMER v.4.14 Atmospheric Correction Processor - BAL MLP Ensemble
comment Derived from chl as in Brando et al. (2021). Chl validity range: 0.13-25.5 mg m-3
valid_min 0.01
valid_max 100.0


Field Value
coordinates lat long
long_name Concentration Of Prokaryote expressed as chlorophyll-a concentration
standard_name mass_concentration_of_prokaryotes_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water
type surface
units milligram m^-3
source OLCI - POLYMER v.4.14 Atmospheric Correction Processor - BAL MLP Ensemble
comment Derived from chl as in Brando et al. (2021). Chl validity range: 0.13-25.5 mg m-3
valid_min 0.01
valid_max 100.0


Field Value
long_name Quality Index for OLCI Chlorophyll a concentration
comment QI=(log(DailyData)-ClimatologyMedianData))/ClimatologyStandardDeviation
type surface
units 1
valid_min -5.0
valid_max 5.0
climatology_file /DataArchive/OC/MODISA/Climatology_BAL/


Field Value
long_name Sensor Mask
comment OLCI Sentinel-3A=1; OLCI Sentinel-3B=2. Each SENSORMASK pixel is the sum of all available sensor values. For example, if a pixel is observed by OLCI Sentinel-3A and OLCI Sentinel-3B then SENSORMASK = 3
type surface
units 1
valid_min 1
valid_max 31

Full dataset metadata#

Field Value
netcdf_version v4
Conventions CF-1.4
platform Sentinel3A+B
product_level L3
institution CNR-GOS
references Brando VE, Sammartino M, Colella S, Bracaglia M, Di Cicco A, D?Alimonte D, Kajiyama T, Kaitala S and Attila J (2021). Phytoplankton Bloom Dynamics in the Baltic Sea Using a Consistently Reprocessed Time Series of Multi-Sensor Reflectance and Novel Chlorophyll-a Retrievals. Remote Sens. 13:3071. doi: 10.3390/rs13163071
sensor Ocean and Land Colour Instrument
sensor_name OLCIA+B
reproject /home/gosuser/Processing/OC_PROC_EIS202211/s3olciProcessing/
easternmost_longitude 30.25
westernmost_longitude 9.25
northernmost_latitude 65.85
southernmost_latitude 53.25
start_date 2023-04-14
stop_date 2023-04-14
BALMLP_code_version BAL MLP ENSEMBLE 2021
l1_source_file S3A_OL_1_EFR____20230414T083943_20230414T084047_20230414T104942__trim_BAL_097_335_MAR_O_NR_002.SEN3
grid_resolution 0.3 km
grid_mapping Equirectangular
software_name GOS Processing chain
creation_date 2023-04-15
creation_time 05:24:38 UTC
distribution_statement See CMEMS Data License
naming_authority CMEMS
cmems_production_unit OC-CNR-ROMA-IT
source surface observation
timeliness NR
product_version v02QL
area bal
mosaic /home/gosuser/Processing/OC_PROC_EIS202211/s3olciProcessing/
site_name BAL
noQI nano,micro,pico,crypto,diato,dino,green,prokar
parameter_code PLANKTON
parameter Chlorophyll-a concentration and Phytoplankton Functional Types
title cmems_obs-oc_bal_bgc-plankton_nrt_l3-olci-300m_P1D
cmems_product_id OCEANCOLOUR_BAL_BGC_L3_NRT_009_131