Dataset: Black Sea SST, L3S, Reprocessed using ESA CCI SST v.2.0, C3S v.2.0, C3S v.2.1 L3C product and PFV53 data, 0.05 deg. daily (SST_BS_PHY_L3S_MY_010_041)#
Dataset identifier: cmems_obs-sst_bs_phy_my_l3s_P1D-m
Data store: cmems
How to open this dataset in AVL JupyterLab
cmems_store = new_data_store('cmems')
ds = cmems_store.open_data('cmems_obs-sst_bs_phy_my_l3s_P1D-m')
Bounding box map#
Map tiles and data from OpenStreetMap, under the ODbL.
Basic information#
Parameter | Value |
Bounding box longitude (°) | 26.350000375 to 42.399999625 |
Bounding box latitude (°) | 38.69974709912109 to 48.80025290087891 |
Time range | 1981-08-25 to 2022-10-16 |
Time period | 1D |
Click here for full dataset metadata.
Variable list#
Click on a variable name to jump to the variable’s full metadata.
Variable | Long name | Units |
adjusted_sea_surface_temperature | adjusted sea surface foundation temperature | kelvin |
Full variable metadata#
Field | Value |
long_name | adjusted sea surface foundation temperature |
standard_name | sea_surface_foundation_temperature |
type | foundation |
units | kelvin |
valid_min | -300 |
valid_max | 4500 |
source | [1981-2016] ESA CCI SST v.2.0 L3C product (SST at 0.2m); [2017-2021] C3S v.2.0 L3C product (SST at 0.2m); [2022-present] C3S v.2.1 L3C product (SST at 0.2m); [1981-2014] Pathfinder-PFV5.3 L3C product (SST skin) |
reference | SLSTRA_D3 |
comment | [1981-present] Optimal interpolation (OI) SST measurements from ESA CCI SST v2.0, C3S v.2.0, C3S v.2.1 and PFV53 |
Full dataset metadata#
Field | Value |
Conventions | CF-1.4 |
title | Black Sea SST, L3S, Reprocessed using ESA CCI SST v.2.0, C3S v.2.0, C3S v.2.1 L3C product and PFV53 data, 0.05 deg. daily (SST_BS_PHY_L3S_MY_010_041) |
summary | [1981-present] Daily gap-free maps (L4) at 0.05deg. x 0.05deg. horizontal resolution over the Black Sea. The maps are obtained using nighttime data extracted from ESA CCI SST v.2.0, C3S v.2.0, C3S v.2.1 L3C product and PFV53 data |
references | A. Pisano, B. Buongiorno Nardelli, C. Tronconi, R. Santoleri: The new Mediterranean optimally interpolated pathfinder AVHRR SST Dataset (1982-2012). /Remote Sensing of Environment./ 176 (2016) 107-116, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2016.01.019; and Casey, K.S., T.B. Brandon, P. Cornillon, and R. Evans: The Past, Present and Future of the AVHRR Pathfinder SST Program, in Oceanography from Space: Revisited, eds. V. Barale, J.F.R. Gower, and L. Alberotanza, Springer, 2010. DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-8681-5_16. |
institution | GOS |
history | BS-REP-L3S processor, first release |
comment | WARNING: the last 5 variable are still in progress - WARNING: some applications are unable to properly handle byte values. If Values >127 are encounterd, please subtract 256 |
license | free registration at Copernicus Marine Service ( |
id | OISST_HR_REP-GOS-L3S-BS-v1.0 |
DSD_entry_id | -GOS-L3S_GHRSST-SSTsubskin |
naming_authority | org.ghrsst |
product_version | 1.0 |
uuid | |
gds_version_id | v2.0.5 |
netcdf_version_id | 4.1.1, build date: JUN 18 2010 |
date_created | 20221016T103131Z |
file_quality_level | 3 |
spatial_resolution | 0.05 degree |
start_time | 20221015T190000Z |
time_coverage_start | 20221015T190000Z |
stop_time | 20221016T070000Z |
time_coverage_end | 20221016T070000Z |
software_version | Copernicus Marine Service HR L3 Processor V.1.0 |
northernmost_latitude | 48.775 |
southernmost_latitude | 38.725 |
easternmost_longitude | 42.375 |
westernmost_longitude | 26.375 |
Scaling_Equation | (scale_factor*data) + add_offset |
source_data | code: C3S v.2.1 L3C :1, C3S v.2.0 L3C :2, ESA CCI SST v.2.0 :3, Pathfinder-PFV5.3 L3C :4 |
source | code: C3S v.2.1 L3C :1, C3S v.2.0 L3C :2, ESA CCI SST v.2.0 :3, Pathfinder-PFV5.3 L3C :4 |
sensor | [1981-2018] NOAA AVHRR series of sensors (NOAA-07/09/11/12/14/15/16/17/18/19), ATSR1, ATSR2, (A)ATSR, MetopA AVHRR; [2017-2021] MetopA AVHRR, SLSTR-3A, SLSTR-3B; [2022-present] MetopB AVHRR, SLSTR-3A, SLSTR-3B |
platform | NOAA AVHRR, Metop-A AVHRR, Metop-B AVHRR, (A)ATSR, Sentinel-3A SLSTR series of sensors |
Metadata_Conventions | Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0 |
metadata_link | Link to collection metadata record at archive |
keywords | Oceans > Ocean Temperature > Sea Surface Temperature |
keywords_vocabulary | NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords |
standard_name_vocabulary | NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Convention |
geospatial_lat_units | degrees_north |
geospatial_lat_resolution | 0.05 |
geospatial_lon_units | degrees_east |
geospatial_lon_resolution | 0.05 |
acknowledgment | Please acknowledge the use of these data with the following statement: Generated/provided by Copernicus Marine Service and CNR - ISMAR ROME. We would also appreciate being informed of any publications. |
creator_name | ISMAR - Institute of Marine Sciences (CNR - ISMAR - GOS - Rome) |
creator_email | |
creator_url | |
project | Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) |
publisher_name | CNR ISMAR GOS - CMEMS SST-TAC |
publisher_url | |
publisher_email |, |
processing_level | L3S |
cdm_data_type | grid |
distribution_statement | See Copernicus Marine Service Data License |