Dataset: Global Ocean - Wind and Stress - Monthly - From Scatterometer and Model#

Dataset identifier: cmems_obs-wind_glo_phy_my_l4_P1M
Data store: cmems

How to open this dataset in AVL JupyterLab  

cmems_store = new_data_store('cmems')
ds = cmems_store.open_data('cmems_obs-wind_glo_phy_my_l4_P1M')

Bounding box map#

Bounding box map
Map tiles and data from OpenStreetMap, under the ODbL.

Basic information#

Parameter Value
Bounding box longitude (°) -180 to 180
Bounding box latitude (°) -90 to 90
Time range 2007-01-16 to 2022-11-16

Click here for full dataset metadata.

Variable list#

Click on a variable name to jump to the variable’s full metadata.

Variable Long name Units
eastward_stress surface wind stress eastward component N m-2
eastward_stress_bias scatterometer-model bias of surface wind stress eastward component N m-2
eastward_stress_sdd standard deviation of differences of surface wind stress eastward component N m-2
eastward_wind stress-equivalent wind eastward component at 10 m m s-1
eastward_wind_bias scatterometer-model bias of stress-equivalent wind eastward component at 10 m m s-1
eastward_wind_sdd standard deviation of differences of of stress-equivalent wind eastward component at 10 m m s-1
northward_stress surface wind stress northward component N m-2
northward_stress_bias scatterometer-model bias of surface wind stress northward component N m-2
northward_stress_sdd standard deviation of differences of surface wind stress northward component N m-2
northward_wind stress-equivalent wind northward component at 10 m m s-1
northward_wind_bias scatterometer-model bias of stress-equivalent wind northward component at 10 m m s-1
northward_wind_sdd standard deviation of differences of stress-equivalent wind northward component at 10 m m s-1
number_of_observations number of observations used for monthly average 1

Full variable metadata#


Field Value
units N m-2
long_name surface wind stress eastward component
standard_name surface_downward_eastward_stress
valid_min -5000
valid_max 5000


Field Value
units N m-2
long_name scatterometer-model bias of surface wind stress eastward component
standard_name surface_downward_eastward_stress_bias
valid_min -5000
valid_max 5000


Field Value
units N m-2
long_name standard deviation of differences of surface wind stress eastward component
standard_name surface_downward_eastward_stress_standard_deviation_of_differences
valid_min 0
valid_max 5000


Field Value
units m s-1
long_name stress-equivalent wind eastward component at 10 m
standard_name eastward_wind
valid_min -5000
valid_max 5000


Field Value
units m s-1
long_name scatterometer-model bias of stress-equivalent wind eastward component at 10 m
standard_name eastward_wind_bias
valid_min -5000
valid_max 5000


Field Value
units m s-1
long_name standard deviation of differences of of stress-equivalent wind eastward component at 10 m
standard_name eastward_wind_standard_deviation_of_differences
valid_min 0
valid_max 5000


Field Value
units N m-2
long_name surface wind stress northward component
standard_name surface_downward_northward_stress
valid_min -5000
valid_max 5000


Field Value
units N m-2
long_name scatterometer-model bias of surface wind stress northward component
standard_name surface_downward_northward_stress_bias
valid_min -5000
valid_max 5000


Field Value
units N m-2
long_name standard deviation of differences of surface wind stress northward component
standard_name surface_downward_northward_stress_standard_deviation_of_differences
valid_min 0
valid_max 5000


Field Value
units m s-1
long_name stress-equivalent wind northward component at 10 m
standard_name northward_wind
valid_min -5000
valid_max 5000


Field Value
units m s-1
long_name scatterometer-model bias of stress-equivalent wind northward component at 10 m
standard_name northward_wind_bias
valid_min -5000
valid_max 5000


Field Value
units m s-1
long_name standard deviation of differences of stress-equivalent wind northward component at 10 m
standard_name northward_wind_standard_deviation_of_differences
valid_min 0
valid_max 5000


Field Value
units 1
long_name number of observations used for monthly average
standard_name number_of_observations
valid_min 0
valid_max 2000

Full dataset metadata#

Field Value
title Global Ocean - Wind and Stress - Monthly - From Scatterometer and Model
summary Global ocean monthly mean 10-m stress-equivalent wind and surface wind stress fields based on the ECMWF ERA5 Reanalysis winds, bias-corrected using scatterometer observations
keywords ocean winds, wind stress
Conventions CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3
project Copernicus Marine Service Wind Thematic Assembly Centre
institution Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)
geospatial_lat_min -89.875
geospatial_lat_max 89.875
geospatial_lat_resolution 0.25
geospatial_lat_units degrees_north
geospatial_lon_min -179.875
geospatial_lon_max 179.875
geospatial_lon_resolution 0.25
geospatial_lon_units degrees_east
processing_level L4
platform METOP-B, METOP-C
platform_vocabulary CEOS
instrument ASCAT, ASCAT
instrument_vocabulary CEOS
time_coverage_start 2022-11-01T00:00:00
time_coverage_end 2022-11-30T23:59:59
references Copernicus Marine Service Product User Manual CMEMS-WIND-PUM-012-003
history N/A
date_created 2023-03-10T11:23:55
date_modified 2023-03-10T11:23:55